Azure / event-grid-iot-edge

Azure Event Grid on Azure IoT Edge
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Known Issue: Event Grid module not working with IoT Edge Dev Simulator? #10

Closed VidyaKukke closed 4 years ago

VidyaKukke commented 4 years ago

There are some issues reported if your setup involves IoT Edge Dev Simulators and Event Grid module.

Event Grid module expects some IoT Edge specific environment variables to be set, which is then used to communicate with IoT Edge security daemon on boot-up. The following are the list of environment variables that are expected a. "IOTEDGE_MODULEID" b. "IOTEDGE_DEVICEID" c. "IOTEDGE_IOTHUBHOSTNAME" d. "IOTEDGE_MODULEGENERATIONID" e. "IOTEDGE_GATEWAYHOSTNAME" f. "IOTEDGE_APIVERSION" g. "IOTEDGE_WORKLOADURI"

In some cases the simulator fails to set the above up and as a result Grid module boot-up fails, by design.

Some things you can verify:

  1. Check if ALL the above environment variables have been set.
  2. If not set, make sure you are running the simulator in only their supported environments per this doc.

If the simulator is in the right environment AND the environment variables are not being set please follow-up with the simulator team directory here


VidyaKukke commented 4 years ago

This is meant as self-help article for users facing any issues using Event Grid module with IoT Edge Simulator.