Azure / fast_retraining

Show how to perform fast retraining with LightGBM in different business cases
MIT License
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Blog writeup #38

Closed miguelgfierro closed 7 years ago

miguelgfierro commented 7 years ago

Some advices from David:

Probably the most important advice I can give is this: know your audience. Think of the person who’s going to have the most interest in what you have to say, and write for that one person. As you mention, providing the code they can use to replicate what you do is important. I also feel like it’s better to focus on specifics rather than generalities: benchmarks/results from a specific analysis of a specific dataset on specific hardware are much more interesting IMO than “what might be”.

My other advice is keep it short. This is harder than it sounds – it’s tempting to go into every detail. But your post will have more impact the more people read it, and not many people will take the time to read more than a page or so. My usual target is 4-6 paragraphs, plus images/videos (and do include at least one image). Keep the details for the Github repo, documentation or whitepapers, and link to them as needed.

Lastly, follow journalistic principles and summarize your entire post in the first paragraph. Make sure your main point is included there – ideally in the first sentence – along with any “hero” links you’d like the reader to follow. That way a reader will know immediately if they’re interested in your content, and even if not, they still come away with the main point.