Closed davejohnston closed 6 years ago
The issue appears to be resolved by adding the negotiateFlagNTLMSSPNEGOTIATEEXTENDEDSESSIONSECURITY flag to the list of defaults:
I raised this PR
This has been addressed by
Negotiate fails when servers have strict checking enabled using the registry key NtlmMinServerSec. The key can be found under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\MSV1_0 If it is set to 0x00080000 or greater, the request will fail.
The issue appears to be that the negotiate header is not setting the relevant flag to indicate that this is supported. Require NTLMv2 session security. If the value of either this entry or the NtlmMinClientSec entry is 0x80000, then the connection will fail unless NTLMv2 session security is negotiated
According to the spec ( in NEGOTIATE