Azure / ibex-dashboard

Custom Analytics Dashboard for Microsoft Bot Framework and other applications as well
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Bug: Unique users within retention table #363

Open daltskin opened 6 years ago

daltskin commented 6 years ago

Unique users query doesn't look right - as it's also counting messages sent from the bot eg:

| where timestamp > ago(30d) 
| where name=='Activity' 
| extend uniqueUser=tostring(customDimensions.from)
| summarize oldestVisit=min(timestamp),
  lastVisit=max(timestamp) by uniqueUser 
| summarize
totalUnique = dcount(uniqueUser),
  totalUniqueUsersIn24hr = countif(lastVisit > ago(24hr)),
  totalUniqueUsersIn7d = countif(lastVisit > ago(7d)),
  totalUniqueUsersIn30d = countif(lastVisit > ago(30d)),
  returning24hr = countif(lastVisit > ago(24hr)
  and oldestVisit <= ago(24hr)),
  returning7d = countif(lastVisit > ago(7d)
  and oldestVisit <= ago(7d)),
  returning30d = countif(lastVisit > ago(30d)
  and oldestVisit <= ago(30d))

You can use the 'tobot' field to filter these out eg:

| where timestamp > ago(30d) 
| where name=='Activity' 
| extend user=tostring(customDimensions.from),
tobot=iif(strlen(customDimensions.tobot) == 0, false, tobool(tolower(customDimensions.tobot))),
|project user, tobot, recipient, from, channel 
| where tobot == true

Found in this dashboard

DavidCampaneroGarcia commented 6 years ago

I'm having problems showing the Users in this version:

It seems there is a problem between the timespan datasource and the retention query.

morsh commented 6 years ago

@DavidCampaneroGarcia what's the problem?

DavidCampaneroGarcia commented 6 years ago

@morsh I'm trying to mix 2 dashboards.

First one: Have granurality implemented that works awesome but doesn't count the users:

Second One: Users count works but doesn't have granurality:

I would like to mix them both and have granurality and user count, but it seems that with this code:

    id: "timespan",
    type: "Constant",
    params: { selectedValue: "2018-07-03T00:00:00.000Z/2018-07-03T23:59:59.999Z" },
    calculated: (state, dependencies) => {
        var queryTimespan =  state.selectedValue;
        var dateRangeArray = state.selectedValue.split('/');

        var initDate = new Date(dateRangeArray[0]);
        var endDate = new Date(dateRangeArray[1]);
        var diffTime = endDate.getTime() - initDate.getTime();
        var diffDays = diffTime / (3600 * 1000 * 24);

        var timeFormat = (diffDays > 3) ? 'date' : 'hour' ;

        return {
          queryTimespan: state.selectedValue,
          startTimespan: dateRangeArray[0],
          endTimespan: dateRangeArray[1],
          'timeline-timeFormat': timeFormat,

It comes from here:

And in the same dashboard it has this query:

      id: 'retention',
      type: 'ApplicationInsights/Query',
      dependencies: { timespan: 'timespan', selectedTimespan: 'timespan:queryTimespan', queryTimespan: '::P90D' },
      params: {
        query: () => `
          | where name=='MBFEvent.UserMessage' 
          | extend uniqueUser=tostring(customDimensions.userId) 
          | summarize oldestVisit=min(timestamp), lastVisit=max(timestamp) by uniqueUser 
          | summarize
            totalUnique = dcount(uniqueUser),
            totalUniqueUsersIn24hr = countif(lastVisit > ago(24hr)),
            totalUniqueUsersIn7d = countif(lastVisit > ago(7d)),
            totalUniqueUsersIn30d = countif(lastVisit > ago(30d)),
            returning24hr = countif(lastVisit > ago(24hr) and oldestVisit <= ago(24hr)),
            returning7d = countif(lastVisit > ago(7d) and oldestVisit <= ago(7d)),
            returning30d = countif(lastVisit > ago(30d) and oldestVisit <= ago(30d))`
      format: 'retention'

It seems it doesn't work well between them and when you click it on it you can see the table of users, but doesn't load the content.

Also I would like to know if there is a way to filter only conversations that has more than 1 message from the user. I don't know if I should post this issue in other thread.

morsh commented 6 years ago

@DavidCampaneroGarcia - I've marked this issue as a bug, it is indeed an issue with the bot-framework-inst dashboard. I think it's a matter of simply pointing the scorecard of total users to the value of totalUnique. If you're able to fix this issue, I'd be happy to get a PR on this.

Regarding conversations with more than 1 message I'm sure this can be done and I'm guessing this can be done with a summarize, count and where,