Azure / iot-edge-v1

Azure IoT Edge
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IOTEDGE Service won't start. #633

Closed cpatte7372 closed 5 years ago

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago


I have followed the following document to assist me install IoT Edge runtime on Windows.

Everything appears to have gone through ok, however whenever I try to run the iotedge service it fails.

The Windows event logs state the following:

**The description for Event ID 1 from source iotedged cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: edgelet_utils::logging -- A Docker error occurred.**

Basically, the iotedge service won't start.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


aribeironovaes commented 5 years ago

HI @cpatte7372 ,

Did you verify if your docker/moby is working ok? Are you able to pull images?


Angelo Ribeiro

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

@aribeironovaes thanks for reaching out.

That is a good question. I think I do have Docker installed. Is there a way of checking?


cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

@aribeironovaes the problem was that I wasn't running Docker.

The service is running now.

Cheers mate.

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

@aribeironovaes Can I take back what I said about the iotedge service running. It's not running - it's stuck in starting. Can you let me know I long I should wait for it to start before I consider it a failure?


cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

Just so you know, I getting the following error in the event viewer

error: edgelet_utils::logging -- caused by: while parsing a block mapping, did not find expected key at line 146 column 11 in ....\ProgramData\iotedge\config.yaml

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

moby_runtime: docker_uri: "npipe://./pipe/docker_engine" network: "nat"

Line 146 is network:"nat"

aribeironovaes commented 5 years ago

Can you check the config file for special characters or lack of spaces?

Yaml is a little sensitive to it...

Make sure the docker_uri and network keys are not at the same level as mobu_runtime (add 2 spaces before the keys).

If that doesn’t work try to uninstall and install it again (that usually cleans any garbage on this file).

I haven’t tested a lot windows myself, but i am assuming that “nat” is the recommendation on the quick start documentation?

Let us know

Angelo Ribeiro

Sent from my phone

On Jul 6, 2018, at 8:18 AM, cpatte7372 wrote:

moby_runtime: docker_uri: "npipe://./pipe/docker_engine" network: "nat"

Line 146 is network:"nat"

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cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

@aribeironovaes The iotedge service is now fully running - I had to comment out network: "nat"

However, when I enter the command: iotedge list I get the following error: iotedge : An error in the management http client occurred. At line:1 char:1

You will notice the error states no such hosts. Therefore, can you take a look at my script and let me know what hostname I have got wrong please.

#                      IoT Edge Daemon configuration
# This file configures the IoT Edge daemon. The daemon must be restarted to
# pick up any configuration changes.
# Note - this file is yaml. Learn more here:

# Provisioning mode and settings
# Configures the identity provisioning mode of the daemon.
# Supported modes:
#     manual - using an iothub connection string
#     dps    - using dps for provisioning

  source: manual
  device_connection_string: ";DeviceId=pccarlton;SharedAccessKey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXQUro/OwLo="

# provisioning:
#   source: "dps"
#   global_endpoint: ""
#   scope_id: "{scope_id}"
#   registration_id: "{registration_id}"

# Certificate settings
# Configures the certificates required to operate the IoT Edge
# runtime as a gateway which enables external leaf devices to securely
# communicate with the Edge Hub. If not specified, the required certificates
# are auto generated for quick start scenarios which are not intended for
# production environments.
# Settings:
#     device_ca_cert   - path to the device ca certificate and its chain
#     device_ca_pk     - path to the device ca private key file
#     trusted_ca_certs - path to a file containing all the trusted CA
#                        certificates required for Edge module communication

# certificates:

# Edge Agent module spec
# Configures the initial Edge Agent module.
# The daemon uses this definition to bootstrap the system. The Edge Agent can
# then update itself based on the Edge Agent module definition present in the
# deployment in IoT Hub.

  name: "carltonpc"
  type: "docker"
  env: {}
    image: ""
    auth: {}

# Edge device hostname
# Configures the environment variable 'IOTEDGE_GATEWAYHOSTNAME' injected into
# modules.

hostname: "Carlton-PC"

# Connect settings
# Configures URIs used by clients of the management and workload APIs
#     management_uri - used by the Edge Agent and 'iotedge' CLI to start,
#                      stop, and manage modules
#     workload_uri   - used by modules to retrieve tokens and certificates
# The following uri schemes are supported:
#     http - connect over TCP

  management_uri: ""
  workload_uri: ""

# Listen settings
# Configures the listen addresses for the daemon.
#     management_uri - used by the Edge Agent and 'iotedge' CLI to start,
#                      stop, and manage modules
#     workload_uri   - used by modules to retrieve tokens and certificates
# The following uri schemes are supported:
#     http - listen over TCP

  management_uri: ""
  workload_uri: ""

# Home Directory
# This configures the home directory for the daemon.

homedir: "C:\\ProgramData\\iotedge"

# Moby Container Runtime settings
# uri - configures the uri for the container runtime.
# network - configures the network on which the containers will be created.

  docker_uri: "npipe://./pipe/docker_engine"
   #network: "nat"
cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm so close..

Everything is running as it should. However, the egdeagent has stopped, see below:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> iotedge list NAME STATUS DESCRIPTION CONFIG edgeAgent stopped Stopped

Any ideas on how to get in running?


cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

Any thoughts guys?

aribeironovaes commented 5 years ago

Hi @cpatte7372 ,

Please, do 2 things. Delete the containers instances and uncomment the network: "nat" (From the doc it seems it is needed). Than restart the service. If after doing that it doesn't work, please get also logs from edgeAgent and share with us, so I can share with some windows IoT Folks to check if they know what may be wrong.

Also, It's better for you to delete your device and create another one. When you share configuration here, please, remove secrets, otherwise people will be able to impersonate your device.

Let us know,

Angelo Ribeiro.

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

@aribeironovaes , I don't appear to have any containers, see below. Just a bunch of images:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker container list
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker image list
REPOSITORY                                                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
hello-world                                                   latest              a7a0c752f970        3 days ago          1.13GB   1.0                 ad4256d1637a        9 days ago          403MB                          1.0                 101f624f0ba3        9 days ago          441MB
aribeironovaes commented 5 years ago

What do you get when you say: docker ls -a ?

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

I get the following:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker ls -a
docker : unknown shorthand flag: 'a' in -a
At line:1 char:1
+ docker ls -a
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (unknown shorthand flag: 'a' in -a:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

See 'docker --help'.
Usage:  docker COMMAND
A self-sufficient runtime for containers
      --config string         Location of client config files (default
  -D, --debug                 Enable debug mode
  -H, --host list             Daemon socket(s) to connect to
  -l, --log-level string      Set the logging level
                              (default "info")
      --orchestrator string   Which orchestrator to use with the docker
                              cli (swarm|kubernetes) (default swarm)
      --tls                   Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
      --tlscacert string      Trust certs signed only by this CA (default
      --tlscert string        Path to TLS certificate file (default
      --tlskey string         Path to TLS key file (default
      --tlsverify             Use TLS and verify the remote
  -v, --version               Print version information and quit
Management Commands:
  checkpoint  Manage checkpoints
  config      Manage Docker configs
  container   Manage containers
  image       Manage images
  manifest    Manage Docker image manifests and manifest lists
  network     Manage networks
  node        Manage Swarm nodes
  plugin      Manage plugins
  secret      Manage Docker secrets
  service     Manage services
  stack       Manage Docker stacks
  swarm       Manage Swarm
  system      Manage Docker
  trust       Manage trust on Docker images
  volume      Manage volumes
  attach      Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
  build       Build an image from a Dockerfile
  commit      Create a new image from a container's changes
  cp          Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
  create      Create a new container
  deploy      Deploy a new stack or update an existing stack
  diff        Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem
  events      Get real time events from the server
  exec        Run a command in a running container
  export      Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive
  history     Show the history of an image
  images      List images
  import      Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
  info        Display system-wide information
  inspect     Return low-level information on Docker objects
  kill        Kill one or more running containers
  load        Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
  login       Log in to a Docker registry
  logout      Log out from a Docker registry
  logs        Fetch the logs of a container
  pause       Pause all processes within one or more containers
  port        List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
  ps          List containers
  pull        Pull an image or a repository from a registry
  push        Push an image or a repository to a registry
  rename      Rename a container
  restart     Restart one or more containers
  rm          Remove one or more containers
  rmi         Remove one or more images
  run         Run a command in a new container
  save        Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
  search      Search the Docker Hub for images
  start       Start one or more stopped containers
  stats       Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
  stop        Stop one or more running containers
  tag         Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
  top         Display the running processes of a container
  unpause     Unpause all processes within one or more containers
  update      Update configuration of one or more containers
  version     Show the Docker version information
  wait        Block until one or mo
re containers stop, then print their exit codes
Run 'docker COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
aribeironovaes commented 5 years ago

Sorry, it's docker ps -a , not ls. :) Also, take a look if any of these troubleshooting can help you out:

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                             COMMAND                   CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
d072808a3057        101f624f0ba3                                                      "dotnet Microsoft.Az…"    45 minutes ago      Created                                 stupefied_kowalevski
3a07a2deb762        hello-world                                                       "cmd /C 'type C:\\hel…"   About an hour ago   Created                                 inspiring_torvalds
c67a5151b6c3        hello-world                                                       "cmd /C 'type C:\\hel…"   About an hour ago   Created                                 blissful_bell
7a05ce704d72        101f624f0ba3                                                      "dotnet Microsoft.Az…"    About an hour ago   Created                                 hardcore_euclid
36155c5b69ad        ad4256d1637a                                                      "dotnet SimulatedTem…"    About an hour ago   Created                                 confident_jennings
cc892efd049b   "dotnet SimulatedTem…"    3 hours ago         Created                                 nostalgic_agnesi
78acaff30cf8                          "dotnet Microsoft.Az…"    4 hours ago         Created                                 edgeAgent
4f98e586a55f        hello-world                                                       "cmd /C 'type C:\\hel…"   8 hours ago         Created                                 pedantic_borg
cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

Also you mentioned 'uncomment the network: "nat" '. However, if I uncomment it, the iotedge gets stuck in 'Starting' and never starts.

Having said that, the troubleshooting link does suggest that is a common problem with Windows.

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

I am also getting the following errors from the logs:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> # Displays logs from today, newest at the bottom.

Get-WinEvent -ea SilentlyContinue `
-FilterHashtable @{ProviderName= "iotedged";
  LogName = "application"; StartTime = [datetime]::Today} |
select TimeCreated, Message |
sort-object @{Expression="TimeCreated";Descending=$false}

TimeCreated         Message                                                                                                                                                                          
-----------         -------                                                                                                                                                                          
06/07/2018 20:22:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:22:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:22:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:22:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:23:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:23:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:23:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:23:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:23:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:23:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:24:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:24:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:24:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:24:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:24:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:24:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:25:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:25:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:25:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:25:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:25:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:25:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:26:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:26:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:26:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:26:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:26:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:26:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:27:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:27:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:27:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:27:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:27:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:27:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:28:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:28:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:28:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:28:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:28:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:28:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:29:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:29:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:29:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:29:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:29:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:29:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:30:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:30:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:30:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:30:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:30:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:30:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:31:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:31:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:31:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:31:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:31:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:31:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:32:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:32:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:32:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:32:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:32:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:32:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:33:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:33:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:33:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:33:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:33:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:33:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:34:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:34:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:34:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:34:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:34:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:34:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:35:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:35:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:35:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:35:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:35:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:35:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:36:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:36:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:36:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:36:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:36:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:36:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:37:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:37:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:37:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:37:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:37:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:37:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:38:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:38:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:38:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:38:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:38:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:38:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:39:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:39:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:39:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:39:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:39:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:39:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:40:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:40:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:40:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:40:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:40:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:40:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:41:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:41:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:41:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:41:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:41:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:41:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:42:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:42:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:42:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:42:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:42:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:42:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:43:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:43:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:43:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:43:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:43:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:43:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:44:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:44:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:44:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:44:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:44:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:44:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:45:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:45:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:45:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:45:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:45:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:45:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:46:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:46:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:46:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:46:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:46:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:46:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:47:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:47:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:47:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:47:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:47:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:47:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:48:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:48:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:48:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:48:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:48:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:48:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:49:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:49:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:49:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:49:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:49:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:49:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:50:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:50:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:50:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:50:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:50:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:50:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:51:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:51:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:51:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:51:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:51:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:51:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:52:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:52:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:52:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:52:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:52:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:52:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:53:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:53:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:53:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:53:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:53:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:53:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:54:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:54:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:54:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:54:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:54:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:54:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:55:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:55:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:55:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:55:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:55:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:55:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:56:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:56:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:56:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:56:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:56:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:56:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:57:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:57:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:57:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:57:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:57:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:57:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:58:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:58:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:58:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:58:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 20:58:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:58:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:59:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 20:59:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 20:59:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 20:59:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 20:59:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 20:59:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:00:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:00:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:00:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:00:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:00:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:00:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:01:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:01:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:01:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:01:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:01:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:01:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:02:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:02:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:02:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:02:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:02:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:02:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:03:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:03:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:03:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:03:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:03:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:03:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:04:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:04:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:04:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:04:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:04:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:04:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:05:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:05:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:05:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:05:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:05:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:05:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:06:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:06:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:06:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:06:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:06:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:06:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:07:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:07:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:07:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:07:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:07:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:07:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:08:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:08:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:08:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:08:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:08:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:08:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:09:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:09:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:09:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:09:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:09:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:09:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:10:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:10:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:10:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:10:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:10:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:10:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:11:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:11:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:11:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:11:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:11:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:11:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:12:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:12:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:12:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:12:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:12:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:12:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:13:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:13:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:13:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:13:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:13:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:13:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:14:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:14:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:14:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:14:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:14:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:14:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:15:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:15:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:15:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:15:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:15:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:15:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:16:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:16:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:16:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:16:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:16:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:16:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:17:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:17:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:17:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:17:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:17:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:17:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:18:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:18:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:18:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:18:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:18:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:18:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:19:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:19:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:19:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:19:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:19:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:19:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:20:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:20:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:20:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:20:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:20:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:20:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:21:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:21:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:21:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:21:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:21:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:21:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:22:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:22:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:22:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:22:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:22:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:22:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:23:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:23:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:23:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:23:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:23:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:23:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:24:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:24:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:24:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:24:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:24:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:24:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:25:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:25:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:25:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:25:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:25:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:25:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:26:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:26:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:26:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:26:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:26:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:26:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:27:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:27:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:27:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:27:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:27:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:27:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:28:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:28:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:28:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:28:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:28:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:28:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:29:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:29:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:29:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:29:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:29:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:29:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:30:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:30:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:30:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:30:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:30:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:30:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:31:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:31:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:31:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:31:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:31:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:31:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:32:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:32:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:32:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:32:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:32:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:32:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:33:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:33:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:33:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:33:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:33:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:33:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:34:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:34:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:34:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:34:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:34:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:34:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:35:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:35:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:35:24 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:35:24 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:35:24 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:35:24 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:36:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:36:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:36:25 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:36:25 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:36:25 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:36:25 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:37:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:37:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:37:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:37:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:37:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:37:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:38:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:38:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:38:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:38:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:38:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:38:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:39:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:39:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:39:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:39:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:39:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:39:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:40:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:40:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:40:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:40:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:40:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:40:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:41:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:41:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:41:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:41:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:41:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:41:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:42:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:42:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:42:24 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:42:24 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:42:24 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:42:24 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:43:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:43:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:43:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:43:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:43:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:43:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:44:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:44:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:44:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:44:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:44:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:44:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:45:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:45:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:45:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:45:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:45:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:45:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:46:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:46:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:46:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:46:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:46:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:46:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:47:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:47:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:47:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:47:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:47:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:47:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:48:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:48:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:48:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:48:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:48:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:48:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:49:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:49:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:49:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:49:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:49:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:49:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:50:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:50:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:50:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:50:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:50:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:50:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:51:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:51:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:51:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:51:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:51:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:51:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:52:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:52:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:52:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:52:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:52:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:52:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:53:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:53:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:53:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:53:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:53:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:53:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:54:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:54:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:54:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:54:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:54:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:54:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:55:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:55:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:55:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:55:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:55:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:55:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:56:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:56:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:56:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:56:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:56:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:56:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:57:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:57:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:57:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:57:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:57:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:57:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:58:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:58:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:58:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:58:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:58:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:58:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 21:59:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 21:59:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 21:59:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 21:59:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 21:59:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 21:59:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:00:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:00:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:00:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:00:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:00:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:00:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:01:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:01:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:01:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:01:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:01:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:01:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:02:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:02:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:02:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:02:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:02:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:02:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:03:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:03:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:03:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:03:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:03:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:03:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:04:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:04:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:04:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:04:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:04:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:04:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:05:09 info: edgelet_http::logging -- [mgmt] - - - [2018-07-06 21:05:09.494549200 UTC] "GET /modules?api-version=2018-06-28 HTTP/1.1" 200 OK 399 "-" "iotedge/0.1.0" pid(any)           
06/07/2018 22:05:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:05:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:05:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:05:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:05:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:05:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:06:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:06:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:06:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:06:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:06:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:06:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:07:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:07:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:07:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:07:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:07:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:07:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:08:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:08:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:08:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:08:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:08:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:08:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:09:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:09:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:09:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:09:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:09:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:09:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:10:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:10:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:10:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:10:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:10:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:10:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:11:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:11:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:11:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:11:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:11:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:11:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:12:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:12:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:12:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:12:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:12:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:12:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:13:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:13:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:13:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:13:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:13:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:13:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:14:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:14:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:14:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:14:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:14:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:14:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:15:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:15:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:15:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:15:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:15:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:15:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:16:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:16:22 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:16:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:16:23 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:16:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:16:23 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:17:07 info: iotedged::windows -- iotedged service is shutting down                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:28:47 info: iotedged::app -- Using config file: C:\ProgramData\iotedge\config.yaml                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:28:47 info: iotedged::app -- Starting Azure IoT Edge Security Daemon                                                                                                                   
06/07/2018 22:28:47 info: iotedged::app -- Version - 1.0.0 (52ef77db24126bf473265fc09c53d35290a2dd6b)                                                                                                
06/07/2018 22:28:47 error: iotedged::windows -- Error while running service. Quitting.                                                                                                               
06/07/2018 22:28:47 error: edgelet_utils::logging -- Invalid configuration file                                                                                                                      
06/07/2018 22:28:47 error: edgelet_utils::logging --    caused by: while parsing a block mapping, did not find expected key at line 146 column 12 in ..\..\ProgramData\iotedge\config.yaml             
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged::app -- Starting Azure IoT Edge Security Daemon                                                                                                                   
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged::app -- Version - 1.0.0 (52ef77db24126bf473265fc09c53d35290a2dd6b)                                                                                                
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged::app -- Using config file: C:\ProgramData\iotedge\config.yaml                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged::windows -- Starting iotedged service.                                                                                                                            
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged -- Using runtime network id nat                                                                                                                                   
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged -- Initializing the module runtime...                                                                                                                             
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged -- Initializing hsm...                                                                                                                                            
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged -- Finished configuring certificates.                                                                                                                             
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged -- Configuring C:\ProgramData\iotedge as the home directory.                                                                                                      
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged -- Configuring certificates...                                                                                                                                    
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged -- Transparent gateway certificates not found, operating in quick start mode...                                                                                   
06/07/2018 22:50:51 info: iotedged -- Finished initializing the module runtime.                                                                                                                      
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- Finished initializing hsm.                                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- Detecting if configuration file has changed...                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- No change to configuration file detected.                                                                                                                      
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- Provisioning edge device...                                                                                                                                    
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: provisioning::provisioning -- Manually provisioning device "pccarlton" in hub ""                                                                
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- Finished provisioning edge device.                                                                                                                             
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- Starting management API...                                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- Listening on with 1 thread for management API.                                                                                      
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- Starting workload API...                                                                                                                                       
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: iotedged -- Listening on with 1 thread for workload API.                                                                                        
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Starting watchdog with 60 second frequency...                                                                                                    
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:50:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:51:06 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:51:06 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:51:06 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:51:06 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:51:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:51:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:51:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:51:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:51:53 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:51:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:52:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:52:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:53:12 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:53:12 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:53:12 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:53:12 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:53:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:53:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:53:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:53:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:53:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
06/07/2018 22:53:53 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:54:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Checking edge runtime status                                                                                                                     
06/07/2018 22:54:52 info: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Edge runtime status is stopped, starting module now...                                                                                           
06/07/2018 22:54:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaff30cf868e902...
06/07/2018 22:54:53 warn: edgelet_core::watchdog -- Error in watchdog when checking for edge runtime status:                                                                                         
06/07/2018 22:54:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging -- A module runtime error occurred.                                                                                                                 
06/07/2018 22:54:53 warn: edgelet_utils::logging --     caused by: Container runtime error - ApiError(ApiError { code: InternalServerError, content: Some(Object({"message": String("container 78acaf...
cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the deluge of logs :-)

cpatte7372 commented 5 years ago

I also get the following error when I attempt to restart the container

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> iotedge restart edgeAgent
iotedge : An error in the management http client occurred.
At line:1 char:1
+ iotedge restart edgeAgent
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (An error in the...lient occurred.:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

    caused by: Client error
damonbarry commented 5 years ago

It seems like you have a problem with docker.

What happens if you run docker run hello-world? What output do you get?

What does docker info return?

aribeironovaes commented 5 years ago

Due to lack activity, closing this issue.

If you feel this issue still happens, please open a github issue on: