Azure / iot-edge-virtual-kubelet-provider

Kubernetes virtual kubelet provider for managing Azure IoT Edge deployments
MIT License
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Update NOTES.txt and deployment.yaml #23

Closed neumanndaniel closed 5 years ago

neumanndaniel commented 5 years ago

First issue:

In the NOTES.txt we get the instruction to run the following command to check our helm chart deployment

kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} get pods -l "app={{ template "edge-provider.fullname" . }}"

when executing the deployment via

helm install -n hub0 .

When running the command we get the message No resources found.

kubectl --namespace=default get pods -l app=hub0-iot-edge-connector

[21:51:23 azcdmdn@DANEUM:~$]
 > kubectl --namespace=default get pods -l app=hub0-iot-edge-connector
No resources found.

The solution would be to change the instructions to the following one in the NOTES.txt.

kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} get pods -l "app={{ template "" . }}"

But this would force the second issue, where we then get all iot-edge-connector deployments targeting different Azure IoT Hubs.

kubectl --namespace=default get pods -l app=iot-edge-connector

[21:51:38 azcdmdn@DANEUM:~$]
 > kubectl --namespace=default get pods -l app=iot-edge-connector
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hub0-iot-edge-connector-6b594c6444-cbktp   2/2     Running   2          6h
hub1-iot-edge-connector-755f8c658b-nzhl9   2/2     Running   1          6h

The best option is to add also the release label here to the instructions.

kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} get pods -l "app={{ template "" . }}" -l "release={{ .Release.Name }}"

kubectl --namespace=default get pods -l app=iot-edge-connector -l release=hub0

[21:52:41 azcdmdn@DANEUM:~$]
 > kubectl --namespace=default get pods -l app=iot-edge-connector -l release=hub0
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hub0-iot-edge-connector-6b594c6444-cbktp   2/2     Running   2          6h

Getting the approach to work we also need to implement changes to line 14 in the deployment.yaml, where we add the release label to avoid that all iot-edge-connector deployments will be given back in the instructions output of the helm command.

veyalla commented 5 years ago

LGTM. Thanks for the contribution!