Azure / iot-plugandplay-models-tools

Tools to manage the device-models repo
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npm run validate-ids, return unclear message #94

Closed ericmitt closed 3 years ago

ericmitt commented 3 years ago

I submitted temperaturecontroller.json model (used in our sdk samples) I ran into this: C:\iot\iot-plugandplay-models>npm run validate-ids .\dtmi\com\example\temperaturecontroller-1.json

azure-dtdl-repository@1.0.0 validate-ids C:\iot\iot-plugandplay-models node .github/workflows/validate-ids.js ".\dtmi\com\example\temperaturecontroller-1.json"

checking: C:\iot\iot-plugandplay-models\dtmi\com\example\temperaturecontroller-1.json checkIds: validating root dtmi:com:example:TemperatureController;1 checkIds: ids not found

It Is unclear if I can submit my model or not. Adding the file was OK, but this message get customer confused, should I continue submitting or should i fix that id stuff ?

Please note as well, that I was confused about the doc saying : npm run validate-ids

What is the expected form of the file name? I tried thermostat.jso, then c:\myrepo\dtmi\thermostat.json... using ./dtmi/thermostat,json was not obvious on my Windows machine, an example could help here. Same what is the format of the list? ',' separator? same a sample could solve this easily.