Azure / logicapps

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Azure update 'npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools@4 --unsafe-perm true' causing connect ECONNREFUSED #1064

Open MartinWillems-TomTom opened 1 month ago

MartinWillems-TomTom commented 1 month ago

Describe the Bug with repro steps

Update your azure-functions-core-tools and find yourself not being able to work with your workflows anymore. Thank you,

What type of Logic App Is this happening in?

Standard (VSCode)

Are you using new designer or old designer

New Designer

Did you refer to the TSG before filing this issue?


Workflow JSON

No response

Screenshots or Videos

No know it's buggy.


VS Code.

Additional context

VS Code being updated all the time is unreliable. It's not fun.