Azure / mec-app-solution-accelerator

Application Solution Accelerator for Multi-access Edge Compute (MEC)
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[P0] Testing deployment to Kubernetes and Docker #169

Open CESARDELATORRE opened 1 month ago

CESARDELATORRE commented 1 month ago

Environment and configurations to test:

- Windows 11 + AKS EE / k3s + E4K ---> ERROR (Cesar's test): - ALERTS dashboard is stuck and won't show any ALERTS. Issue: Deployed as: .\deploy-accelerator.ps1 -kubernetesDistro k3s -mqttBroker E4K



- Windows 11 + AKS EE / k3s + Mosquitto ---> ?????? (Please, @virubiotor, test this environment and confirm here)

- Windows 11 + K8s de Docker-Desktop + Mosquitto ---> Works "ALMOST" good - (Cesar's test) Apps work, only the URLs at the end of the deployment script are not complete

Deployment script command: .\deploy-accelerator.ps1 -kubernetesDistro k8s -mqttBroker mosquitto


MINOR BUG to fix: Not showing the full deployment URL, it's missing the initial part:


However, the control-plane app and the Alerts-dashboard work well in K8s-from-Docker-Desktop with Mosquitto:


- Ubuntu + k3s + E4K ---> ?????? (Please, @virubiotor, test this environment and confirm here)

- Ubuntu + k3s + Mosquitto ---> Works good - (Cesar's test) TEST POSITIVE

image image

- docker compose up (in Windows 11) ---> Works good - (Cesar's test) TEST POSITIVE

- docker compose up (in Ubuntu) ---> ?????? (Please test and confirm here)

- Visual Studio 2022 with Docker Desktop ---> ?????? (Please test and confirm here)