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Deploy a private marketplace offering with the existing Declarative Form UI #627

Open glennmusa opened 2 years ago

glennmusa commented 2 years ago


So that the existing Declarative Form Portal UI can be used in private marketplace offerings.


Today, using the current mlz.portal.json that launches the "Deploy to Azure" experience in the root README in a private marketplace offering results in an exception in the Portal that bubbles up as: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'injectedBasics').

This spike is to determine if there is something that can be done to the existing Declarative Form UI to provide a view that successfully deploys.

Acceptance Criteria

glennmusa commented 2 years ago

625 illustrates a course of action if this cannot be achieved

glennmusa commented 2 years ago

One thing the team mentioned is adding the two basics members (L7 and L9 below) found in the createUiDefinition schema and seeing if that could still work in both the Deploy to Azure public scenario and private marketplace scenario:

brooke-hamilton commented 2 years ago

NOTE: Testing requires putting the form back into preview.

glennmusa commented 2 years ago

This error:

Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'injectedBasics')

is circumventable by removing the isWizard property from the object:

However, was still unable to get a Declarative Form to successfully deploy with the Partner Center's publication mechanism. Will continue discussions in internal channels and update this Issue as relevant.

glennmusa commented 2 years ago

We've picked this discussion up with the relevant teams. Will continue to update this thread as we learn more.

glennmusa commented 2 years ago

Removing from in-progress. The team needs to discuss marketplace as a publishing avenue.

brooke-hamilton commented 2 years ago

Moving this to draft until we get support in the AGCs