Azure / ng-deploy-azure

Deploy Angular apps to Azure using the Angular CLI
MIT License
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Deploy command should either build or not build consistently #23

Closed johnpapa closed 4 years ago

johnpapa commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

ng new hello-world --defaults
cd hello-world
ng add @azure/ng-deploy
ng run hello-world:deploy

The app builds and then deploys.

Now change something in the app. Then run ...

ng run hello-world:deploy

Browser to the site in Azure. Notice that what is deployed does not contain your changes. It appears that the deploy command is not building if something already exists in the dist/ folder.

Expected behavior I expected that the deploy command would have always re-built the angular app first or never rebuild it. Options:

  1. always rebuild before deploying ng build --prod
  2. never rebuild before deploying. but this would cause an error or the results i mention above.
  3. prompt the user to rebuild

I like 1 or 3.


JohannesHoppe commented 4 years ago

I have started a discussion at ngx-deploy-starter RFC #1 about a standardised set of options. It would be great if we could find a common approach so that the expected behaviour and usability of the different builders are consistent.