Azure / ng-deploy-azure

Deploy Angular apps to Azure using the Angular CLI
MIT License
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fix: run build target before deploy, with an option to change it #75

Closed shmool closed 4 years ago

shmool commented 4 years ago


When running ng deploy the project runs a specified target before deploying.

The target is specified in azure.json under hosting[i], and an optional configuration under hosting[i].app.configuration. The default is hosting[i] = "build" and hosting[i].app.configuration = "production".

Then the files are fetched from the path specified in the target's configuration in angular.json under outputPath. If an outputPath is not specified, or a build target is not specified in azure.json, a path where the files to be deployed exist must be provided in azure.json instead.

The purpose of this change is to make sure the deployed files are the latest version of the application, while allowing the users to configure a different build strategy.

Type of change

How to Test

Closing issues

Closes #23 Reference: