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nxService: currently not working; stack dump & error are output when trying to use #25

Closed eehret closed 1 year ago

eehret commented 1 year ago

Details of the scenario you tried and the problem that is occurring

First, I realize that nxService isn't mentioned on the readme page as one of the nx resources I should expect to be working, so I suspect this is a work in progress. Just mentioning in case the issue is not already known. Basically if I try to use nxService, I get errors while trying to:

Get-GuestConfigurationPackageComplianceStatus -Path ./

Verbose logs showing the problem

Write-Error: Job b0c2b369-50a4-4b3e-880e-f6d58e61bf06 : MIResult: 1 Error Message: unknown propertyName:Load Message ID: OMI:MI_Result:1 Error Category: 0 Error Code: 1 Error Type: Write-Error: Job b0c2b369-50a4-4b3e-880e-f6d58e61bf06 : MIResult: 1 Error Message: internal exception:System.Exception: unknown propertyName:Load at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.CreateDscClassList(Hashtable getMethodOutput, String className, Boolean isEmbeddedClass, List1 dscClasses, List1 psClasses) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.GetInternal(String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, String& jsonGetOutput, String& errorMessage) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPluginManagedEntryWrapper.Get(IntPtr provContext, String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, IntPtr& jsonGetOutput, IntPtr& errorMessage) Message ID: OMI:MI_Result:1 Error Category: 0 Error Code: 1 Error Type: Write-Error: Job b0c2b369-50a4-4b3e-880e-f6d58e61bf06 : This event indicates that failure happens when LCM is processing the configuration. Error Id is 1. Error Detail is The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed.. Resource Id is [nxService]auditd_Running and Source Info is /home/azops.eric.ehret/azam/RHEL_auditd_configuration.ps1::111::5::nxService. Error Message is internal exception:System.Exception: unknown propertyName:Load at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.CreateDscClassList(Hashtable getMethodOutput, String className, Boolean isEmbeddedClass, List1 dscClasses, List1 psClasses) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.GetInternal(String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, String& jsonGetOutput, String& errorMessage) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPluginManagedEntryWrapper.Get(IntPtr provContext, String jsonRegistrationInstance, String json Write-Error: Job b0c2b369-50a4-4b3e-880e-f6d58e61bf06 : MIResult: 1 Error Message: internal exception:System.Exception: unknown propertyName:Load at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.CreateDscClassList(Hashtable getMethodOutput, String className, Boolean isEmbeddedClass, List1 dscClasses, List1 psClasses) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.GetInternal(String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, String& jsonGetOutput, String& errorMessage) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPluginManagedEntryWrapper.Get(IntPtr provContext, String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, IntPtr& jsonGetOutput, IntPtr& errorMessage) Message ID: OMI:MI_Result:1 Error Category: 0 Error Code: 1 Error Type:

This was preceeded by a stack trace like this:

Error: Failed to Run Consistency for 'RHEL-auditd-configuration-1_0_0' Error : unknown propertyName:Load internal exception:System.Exception: unknown propertyName:Load at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.CreateDscClassList(Hashtable getMethodOutput, String className, Boolean isEmbeddedClass, List1 dscClasses, List1 psClasses) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.GetInternal(String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, String& jsonGetOutput, String& errorMessage) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPluginManagedEntryWrapper.Get(IntPtr provContext, String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, IntPtr& jsonGetOutput, IntPtr& errorMessage) internal exception:System.Exception: unknown propertyName:Load at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.CreateDscClassList(Hashtable getMethodOutput, String className, Boolean isEmbeddedClass, List1 dscClasses, List1 psClasses) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPsPluginWkrInternal.GetInternal(String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, String& jsonGetOutput, String& errorMessage) at Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscPluginManagedEntryWrapper.Get(IntPtr provContext, String jsonRegistrationInstance, String jsonConfigInstance, String psModulePath, IntPtr& jsonGetOutput, IntPtr& errorMessage)

Suggested solution to the issue

The DSC configuration that is used to reproduce the issue (as detailed as possible)

    # Ensure auditd service is enabled and running --
    nxService auditd_Running {
      Name = "auditd"
      Enabled = $true
      State = "Running"

The operating system the target node is running

This happened to be on Ubuntu 18. Haven't tried reproducing with any other operating systems yet.

Version and build of PowerShell the target node is running


Version of the DSC module that was used


eehret commented 1 year ago

Also: the property that it complains about can be different for each invocation of Get-GuestConfigurationPackageComplianceStatus (e.g. one time it will complain about 'Load' , next time it will complain about 'Reason', etc...)

eehret commented 12 months ago

@gurrajatwal Thanks so much for fixing this. I am in urgent need of the new package containing this fix. Do you know approximately how quickly we can expect the package in powershell gallery to be updated?