Azure / nxtools

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nxFile resource broken when used for deleting files #29

Closed samartzidis closed 11 months ago

samartzidis commented 1 year ago


This piece of code:

$commonParams = @{
    Name = 'nxFile'
    Property = @{ DestinationPath = "/tmp/dummy.txt"; Ensure = "Absent" }
    ModuleName = 'nxTools'
    Verbose = $true
Invoke-DscResource @commonParams -Method Set

Results in error: Remove-Item: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null.

Issue is in line 410 of nxFile.ps1:

410: Remove-Item -Path $nxFileSystemInfo.DestinationPath -Force:($this.Force) -Recurse:($this.Recurse) -Confirm:$false

Should be:

410: Remove-Item -Path $nxFileSystemInfo.FullName -Force:($this.Force) -Recurse:($this.Recurse) -Confirm:$false

As $nxFileSystemInfo does not have a property named DestinationPath but FullName instead.
