Azure / nxtools

Azure Automanage Machine Configuration Linux DSC resources
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Is 'DependsOn' supported for all guest configuration / nxtools resources? #40

Open eehret opened 11 months ago

eehret commented 11 months ago

I expected to be able to use the 'DependsOn' property to enforce a specific sequence in one of my configurations. i.e. instead of simply executing the configuration in sequential order, which is the default, I set 'DependsOn' to configure a non-sequential order in one specific case.

I expected the resource configured as the dependency in 'DependsOn' property of the reliant resource to be executed first and until it does, the reliant resource should not have been executed.

However in practice I'm seeing that this is not happening. I got an error on the second resource which indicates that the first one that it was dependent upon did not get executed beforehand.

This makes me wonder, is 'DependsOn' really supported? It doesn't generate any syntax errors, but it seems it is not effective.

eehret commented 11 months ago

I think it's possible that the above happened because of