Azure / orkestra

Orkestra is a cloud-native release orchestration and lifecycle management (LCM) platform for the fine-grained orchestration of inter-dependent helm charts and their dependencies
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Support disabling helm pull and staging of helm charts #405

Open nitishm opened 2 years ago

nitishm commented 2 years ago

Orkestra should support disabling downloading of helm charts and staging of these charts to chartmuseum. This comes into picture when bringing your own deployment executor (ex. replacing the helmrelease executor with a custom executor). In such a case it may not be necessary to pull these charts down and have them staged into chartmuseum. This also means that we must pass the (original) upstream helm chart location to the workflow template (executor) via the input params (as opposed to the helmrelease executor which accepts the HelmRelease CR programmed with the chartmusuem chart URL instead of the original location of the helm chart).

/cc @vineetgarhewal

@jonathan-innis FYI