Azure / packer-azure

Packer for Azure
MIT License
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packer-azure build hangs while deleting the temp resource groups for centos #255

Closed deepak-shrivastava closed 8 years ago

deepak-shrivastava commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am trying to provision my packer build (builder azure-arm) but the packer build hangs once the provisioning is complete. It seems like packer is unable to delete the temp resource group that it created. I am making use of centos image. Can you please help???

My provisioner doesnt have anything special. for testing im just creating a folder and coping a file to it. I just keep getting the logs message as:

azure-arm: Cleanup requested, deleting resource group...

I tried adding the following block in my provisioner as well:

{ "inline":[ "sudo /usr/sbin/waagent -force -deprovision+user && export HISTSIZE=0 && sync" ], "inline_shebang": "/bin/sh -x", "type": "shell", "skip_clean": true }

Note: i am making use of the latest packer version v0.10.1. My work is blocked coz of this.

boumenot commented 8 years ago

Support for Azure has been folded into the official Packer repository. The version v0.10.1 is sourced from that repository.

There was an issue that has been fixed, but not released to address your issue (I think). I would need more details to confirm, but you can review the details in the existing issue.

There are examples in the official repository for using Azure and Packer.

I'm closing this issue because you're referencing code that does not exist in this repository. Please re-open the issue if necessary in the official repository.