Azure / pipelines

Enable GitHub developers to trigger Azure Pipelines from a GitHub Actions workflow
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PipelineName does not perform an exact search - results in errors if pipelines contain the same name #33

Open JamesBurnside opened 3 years ago

JamesBurnside commented 3 years ago


Mutiple pipelines are returned when releaseApi.getReleaseDefinitions and buildApi.getDefinitions are called if the pipeline name supplied exists within the pipeline name.

i.e. If you have two pipelines called: myFirstPipeline and myFirstPipeline - Copy and you run this action with a pipeline name of myFirstPipeline you will get an error:

> **Error**: More than 1 Pipeline named "myFirstPipeline" found in project "myproject"

Expected Behavior

From the above example, running this action with a pipeline name of myFirstPipeline should execute the pipeline named myFirstPipeline and not error saying it found more than one build definition.