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[Question/Feature-Request] Pass template parameters for deployment at approval #62

Open davsucks opened 2 years ago

davsucks commented 2 years ago


I'd like to be able to pass template parameters for my environment deployments when the stages are being run. My use case is that we have multiple environments, and have parameterized some features that we do not want deployed in certain environments. We parameterized this by using pipeline parameters. Currently we're setting them at the top level in our pipeline yaml file and passing them down into each deployment stage (which has been templatized).

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This solution is sub-optimal because we don't necessarily want to have the same value for this parameter injected into each deployment stage, and would rather be able to specify this in the actual deployment. Ideally, we'd be able to set the parameters as we're running the stages. Somewhere closer to here, or perhaps in the approval modal:

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Is this possible? I wasn't able to find anything in the docs related to this and I couldn't think of another way to accomplish this other than what we have already implemented.

Thanks in advance for your help!