Azure / pipelines

Enable GitHub developers to trigger Azure Pipelines from a GitHub Actions workflow
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[Bug] Error when including azure-pipeline-variables paramtere #72

Closed matt-barbier-puregym closed 1 year ago

matt-barbier-puregym commented 1 year ago


I've set up a workflow to consume the Azure pipelines 1.2 workflow and it works as long as I don't include the azure-pipeline-variables property, but as soon as I include that I get this error:


This is the workflow code I am using:


I've tried quite a few variations of the content of azure-pipeline-variables but the only things that work is leaving it out or an empty string.

matt-barbier-puregym commented 1 year ago

We resolved this in the end - the issue was the difference between 'variables' and 'templateParameters' on the Pipeline end. Previously we had been sending templateParameters, which don't need to be specifically defined on the Pipeline, but this action uses variables, which do need to be defined. Once I had defined the var on the pipeline this action worked.