Azure / pipelines

Enable GitHub developers to trigger Azure Pipelines from a GitHub Actions workflow
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[Bug] Could not queue the build because there were validation errors or warnings. #95

Open priscofarina opened 2 months ago

priscofarina commented 2 months ago

I am trying to use the new version:

- uses: Azure/pipelines@v1.2
    azure-devops-project-url: ''
    azure-pipeline-name: 'pipeline-name' # name of the Azure pipeline to be triggered
    azure-devops-token: '${{ secrets.AZURE_DEVOPS_TOKEN }}'
    azure-pipeline-variables:  '{"variable1": "value1", "variable2": "value2"}' # optional stringified json

but once I create the workflow in which I pass some variables I get the following message:

Error: Could not queue the build because there were validation errors or warnings.

Are those not supported yet?

Removing the following section from my workflow definition, the pipeline get triggered.

azure-pipeline-variables: '{"variable1": "value1", "variable2": "value2"}' # optional stringified json

priscofarina commented 2 months ago

Looking to other issues likie this: it seems the common suggestion is avoid using those workflows, instead use the integration from the GitHub marketplace.

If this is the case I think would be better having those lines deprecated for a while, otherwise I think many issues with the same reason will be raised.