The query is: "sum (rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{image!=\"\", container_name!=\"POD\"}[5m])) by (pod,cluster,container,namespace) / sum(container_spec_cpu_quota{image!=\"\", container_name!=\"POD\"}/container_spec_cpu_period{image!=\"\", container_name!=\"POD\"}) by (pod,cluster,container,namespace) > .95",
The label being used in the query is container_name but when I use grafana to explore the data I only see a label for container and a seprate label for name. I believe this one should be using container.
I did not check the other alerts but may be a good idea to go through the rest of them as well.
The recommended Alert for CPU Usage in uses the wrong labels.
The query is: "sum (rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{image!=\"\", container_name!=\"POD\"}[5m])) by (pod,cluster,container,namespace) / sum(container_spec_cpu_quota{image!=\"\", container_name!=\"POD\"}/container_spec_cpu_period{image!=\"\", container_name!=\"POD\"}) by (pod,cluster,container,namespace) > .95",
The label being used in the query is container_name but when I use grafana to explore the data I only see a label for container and a seprate label for name. I believe this one should be using container.
I did not check the other alerts but may be a good idea to go through the rest of them as well.