Azure / prometheus-collector

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Add Tls secret to the reader sidecar container #906

Closed Sohamdg081992 closed 4 weeks ago

Sohamdg081992 commented 1 month ago

PR Description

Test Cluster:

Openssl command used to generate the certs with specific IP SAN: openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout client-key.pem -out client-cert.pem -subj "/C=US/ST=WA/L=Seattle/O=Microsoft/CN=PrometheusClient" -addext "subjectAltName = IP:"

This fix adds Tls secret to the reader sidecar container.

Testing with configmap:

  1. Secret create: kubectl create secret generic ama-metrics-mtls-secret --from-file=client-cert.pem=client-cert.pem --from-file=client-key.pem=client-key.pem -n kube-system

  2. Configmap used:

configmaptls targetstls

Delete secret and then create the secret to an invalid/corrupted cert -> pods restart -> metric flow stops due to invalid auth. I then deleted and created the secret again to correct cert using command: kubectl create secret generic ama-metrics-mtls-secret --from-file=client-cert.pem=client-cert.pem --from-file=client-key.pem=client-key.pem. Metric flow continues after pods restart.


Testing with CRD:

  1. Then I deleted secret and created a secret for CRD with command: kubectl create secret generic ama-metrics-mtls-secret --from-file=secret_kube-system_ama-metrics-mtls-secret_client-cert.pem=secret_kube-system_ama-metrics-mtls-secret_client-cert.pem --from-file=secret_kube-system_ama-metrics-mtls-secret_client-key.pem=secret_kube-system_ama-metrics-mtls-secret_client-key.pem -n kube-system
  2. I then deleted the configmap and created a podmonitor. File used:

Metrics flow.

crdsettings crdrestart crdtls

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bragi92 commented 1 month ago

Looks like a trivy failure @Sohamdg081992 if you merge from main I believe it should pass.

Sohamdg081992 commented 1 month ago

Looks like a trivy failure @Sohamdg081992 if you merge from main I believe it should pass.

Thanks Kaveesh! Just merged from main.