Closed briandenicola closed 1 year ago
Enables access to provision resources and to deploy code but does not provide ability to use Azure AD operations
bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironmentName-rg"
bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironmentName-rg"
I have confirmed Azure AD operations also function without issue within the Code Space. I've run the validation script and it passed. The website is also functional when browsing to the URL including Sign In/Sign out. Is there anything that I am missing?
This is my Codespace information: Environ: GitHub Codespaces Kernel: 5.4.0-1100-azure Version: 11 (bullseye) IP: / Host: codespaces-264dca
Enables access to provision resources and to deploy code but does not provide ability to use Azure AD operations
bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironmentName-rg"
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) az login
A web browser has been opened at Please continue the login in the web browser. If no web browser is available or if the web browser fails to open, use device code flow with `az login --use-device-code`.
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) az account set -s bjd_subscription
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) export myEnvironmentName=relecloud
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironmentName-rg"
Derived inputs
Runtime values
... created clientSecret for front-end
Set keyvault value for: 'AzureAd--ClientSecret'
Set appconfig value for: 'AzureAd:TenantId'
Set appconfig value for: 'AzureAd:ClientId'
Finished app registration for front-end
... retrieved apiObjectId='d0af22d0-ffd3-4e6d-984c-eeccf9574874'
... added scope relecloud.api
... assigned scope to api
... retrieved permId=c791b666-cc87-4904-bc9f-c5945e08ba8f
front-end web app is now preAuthorized
Set appconfig value for: 'App:relecloudApi:AttendeeScope'
Set appconfig value for: 'Api:AzureAd:ClientId'
Set appconfig value for: 'Api:AzureAd:TenantId'
Derived inputs for second azure location
No secondary vault to configure
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) az ad app list --filter "displayName eq 'relecloud-v5vcsmsh3g6ps-frontend'"
"addIns": [],
"api": {
"acceptMappedClaims": null,
"knownClientApplications": [],
"oauth2PermissionScopes": [],
"preAuthorizedApplications": [],
"requestedAccessTokenVersion": null
"appId": "445ac345-fc4f-49bc-8481-10b33087ea9a",
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "relecloud Administrator",
"displayName": "relecloud Administrator",
"id": "0abf4cc6-0016-4bbf-ac55-ee368bc6e004",
"isEnabled": true,
"origin": "Application",
"value": "Administrator"
"applicationTemplateId": null,
"certification": null,
"createdDateTime": "2023-01-26T14:08:11Z",
"defaultRedirectUri": null,
"deletedDateTime": null,
"description": null,
"disabledByMicrosoftStatus": null,
"displayName": "relecloud-v5vcsmsh3g6ps-frontend",
"groupMembershipClaims": null,
"id": "8e7ebcda-5050-4d06-90b4-48e9bcc61682",
"identifierUris": [],
bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironmentName-rg"
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironmentName-rg" { "endIpAddress": "", "id": "/subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/v5vcsmsh3g6ps-sql-server/firewallRules/devbox_2023-01-26_02-22-41", "name": "devbox_2023-01-26_02-22-41", "resourceGroup": "relecloud-rg", "startIpAddress": "", "type": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/firewallRules" } found sqlcmd connecting to: opening: v5vcsmsh3g6ps-sql-database { "azureAdOnlyAuthentication": false, "id": "/subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/v5vcsmsh3g6ps-sql-server/azureADOnlyAuthentications/Default", "name": "Default", "resourceGroup": "relecloud-rg", "type": "Microsoft.Sql/servers" } { "azureAdOnlyAuthentication": true, "id": "/subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/v5vcsmsh3g6ps-sql-server/azureADOnlyAuthentications/Default", "name": "Default", "resourceGroup": "relecloud-rg", "type": "Microsoft.Sql/servers" }
the cmds we provide to "Grant your account access to Azure App Configuration Service"
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) appConfigDataReaderRole='516239f1-63e1-4d78-a4de-a74fb236a071' /workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) currentUserObjectId=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query "id" -o tsv) /workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) scopeId=$(az group show -n "$myEnvironmentName-rg" --query "id" -o tsv) /workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) az role assignment create --role $appConfigDataReaderRole --assignee $currentUserObjectId --scope $scopeId { "canDelegate": null, "condition": null, "conditionVersion": null, "description": null, "id": "/subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/94586c44-7cc3-41d6-8800-b724c0d76654", "name": "94586c44-7cc3-41d6-8800-b724c0d76654", "principalId": "cd3cbaf1-9b7a-4b1a-9e19-a13a630b88fe", "principalType": "User", "resourceGroup": "$myEnvironmentName-rg", "roleDefinitionId": "/subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/516239f1-63e1-4d78-a4de-a74fb236a071", "scope": "/subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg", "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments" }
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) az role assignment list --scope /subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg -o table Principal Role Scope
6c02bf1c-04ca-454f-ad2a-6cd0494d003b Contributor /subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg 7411bff2-7a76-469e-9afd-03f25b55a6dd App Configuration Data Reader /subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg [ACCOUNT_PRINCIPAL_REMOVED] App Configuration Data Reader /subscriptions/2d1c19ef-dc46-4d0e-b4b9-be1613da164b/resourceGroups/relecloud-rg
Additional tests:
``` bash
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironmentName-rg"
"Api:AppConfig:Uri": "",
"Api:AzureAd:ClientId": "85b19855-71bb-4164-a8b0-45a381a830a6",
"Api:AzureAd:TenantId": "1380bd4a-df76-4123-b482-56fec1eeb67e",
"App:RedisCache:ConnectionString": ",password=[REDACTED],ssl=True,abortConnect=False",
"App:SqlDatabase:ConnectionString": ",1433;Initial Catalog=v5vcsmsh3g6ps-sql-database;Authentication=Active Directory Default",
"App:StorageAccount:QueueConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=v5vcsmsh3g6psstorage;AccountKey=[REDACTED];"
/workspaces/reliable-web-app-pattern-dotnet (main ✗) bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironmentName-rg"
All settings validated successfully...
If this script was unable to diagnose your problem then please create a GitHub issue
Thanks for this PR @briandenicola - this is looking like a good fit. When I run it, I hit an AAD error about managing resources from an approved device, so I've asked @kwkraus to take a look.
@KSchlobohm My default subscription 'kkraus-MCAPS-Hybrid' did not let me authenticate with error 'AADSTS530004' AcceptCompliantDevice setting not configured.
I received the same AAD errors that you did on my kkraus-Microsoft-Internal (AIRS) subscription. This is my old subscription that will be decommissioned very soon.
When running the bash ./infra/ -g "$myEnvironment-rg"
command I received this error
@briandenicola First attempts at running devcontainer locally, with a Windows based git repo, showed issues with EOL characters in the and scripts. This was solved by running sed
command to updated line endings.
Then ran into issues with missing tooling. Needed to install Docker Engine on WSL in order for the container to build successfully.
I then ran into the need to install Bicep using az bicep upgrade
command, would be nice to have already installed on container.
provisioning and ran just fine, but my azd deploy
command failed with the following error
ended up deleting the bin and obj folders from src folder and re-ran azd deploy
and everything seemed to work.
Think there needs to be clear guidance on how to use devcontainers prior to making it available.
Hi @kwkraus. I updated the devcontainer.json to eliminate the need for the post creation/startup scripts. Since they were only a couple commands, I integrated them directly into the devcontainer. This should eliminate any line feed issue on Windows.
The devcontainer.json also includes the az bicep upgrade
command by default.
I also add documentation on how to use the Dev Container and linked to it from the
Hi @kwkraus. I updated the devcontainer.json to eliminate the need for the post creation/startup scripts. Since they were only a couple commands, I integrated them directly into the devcontainer. This should eliminate any line feed issue on Windows.
The devcontainer.json also includes the
az bicep upgrade
command by default.I also add documentation on how to use the Dev Container and linked to it from the
@briandenicola You stated that the need for post creation/startup scripts has been eliminated, but it still appears that the file is still being referenced in the devcontainer.json file. Thus the need to guide the user to use the sed
command to updated EOL characters.
The deployment markdown states to run task up
command. when i tried it stated that I needed the TaskWarrior tool to make work sudo apt install taskwarrior
It also appears that the postStartCommand
within devcontainer.json is failing due to unknown argument --version
This pull request creates a simple dev container to address issue - #104
It has all the tools required to build and publish the application code. It also has Visual Studio extensions that can help further development.