Azure / sap-automation

This is the repository supporting the SAP deployment automation framework on Azure
MIT License
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[BUG] Workload zone deployment fails with "Unsupported argument" #617

Open lpalovsky opened 2 weeks ago

lpalovsky commented 2 weeks ago

SDAF branch : v3.11.0.3 terraform version: v1.7.5

Hello, recently I am experiencing failures on our OpenQA tests while deploying workload zone. Terraform deployment fails with unsupported argument errors. Last good deployment I saw was about 6days ago on 20th August. Strange thing is that it is happening even if I just restart the test, which means it is using same SDAF branch, same tfvars file, same OpenQA test code. Any idea what could be happening here?

Thanks for your help, you can find the details below. Lumir

Errors observed:

│ Error: Unsupported argument
│   on ../../terraform-units/modules/sap_landscape/ line 157, in resource "azurerm_route_table" "rt":
│  157:   disable_bgp_route_propagation        = false
│ An argument named "disable_bgp_route_propagation" is not expected here.
│ Error: Unsupported argument
│   on ../../terraform-units/modules/sap_landscape/ line 10, in resource "azurerm_subnet" "admin":
│   10:   private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled     = var.use_private_endpoint
│ An argument named "private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled" is not
│ expected here.
│ Error: Unsupported argument
│   on ../../terraform-units/modules/sap_landscape/ line 37, in resource "azurerm_subnet" "db":
│   37:   private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled     = var.use_private_endpoint
│ An argument named "private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled" is not
│ expected here.
│ Error: Unsupported argument
│   on ../../terraform-units/modules/sap_landscape/ line 62, in resource "azurerm_subnet" "app":
│   62:   private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled     = var.use_private_endpoint
│ An argument named "private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled" is not
│ expected here.
│ Error: Unsupported argument
│   on ../../terraform-units/modules/sap_landscape/ line 89, in resource "azurerm_subnet" "web":
│   89:   private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled     = var.use_private_endpoint
│ An argument named "private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled" is not
│ expected here.
│ Error: Unsupported argument
│   on ../../terraform-units/modules/sap_landscape/ line 117, in resource "azurerm_subnet" "storage":
│  117:   private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled     = var.use_private_endpoint
│ An argument named "private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled" is not
│ expected here.
Terraform Plan return code:  0

Full tfvars file used

#                                                                                       #
# This sample defines a deployment that will create the networks and their subnets      #
#                                                                                       #

#                                                                                       #
# The automation framework supports both creating resources (greenfield) or using       #
# existing resources (brownfield).                                                      #
#                                                                                       #
# For the greenfield scenario the automation defines default names for resources,       #
# if there is a XXXXname variable then the name is customizable.                        #
#                                                                                       #
# For the brownfield scenario the Azure resource identifiers for the resources must     #
# be specified.                                                                         #
#                                                                                       #

#                                                                                       #
#  Environment definitions                                                              #
#                                                                                       #
# The environment value is a mandatory field, it is used for partitioning the environments, for example (PROD and NP)
environment = "PRD"

# The location value is a mandatory field, it is used to control where the resources are deployed
location = "westeurope"

#If you want to provide a custom naming json use the following parameter.
#name_override_file = ""

#                                                                                       #
#  Networking                                                                           #
#                                                                                       #
# The deployment automation supports two ways of providing subnet information.          #
# 1. Subnets are defined as part of the workload zone deployment                        #
#    In this model multiple SAP System share the subnets                                #
# 2. Subnets are deployed as part of the SAP system                                     #
#    In this model each SAP system has its own sets of subnets                          #
#                                                                                       #
# The automation supports both creating the subnets (greenfield)                        #
# or using existing subnets (brownfield)                                                #
# For the greenfield scenario the subnet address prefix must be specified whereas       #
# for the brownfield scenario the Azure resource identifier for the subnet must         #
# be specified                                                                          #
#                                                                                       #
# If defined these parameters control the subnet name and the subnet prefix             #
#                                                                                       #

# The network logical name is mandatory - it is used in the naming convention and should map to the workload virtual network logical name
network_logical_name = "SUT295434"

# The name is optional - it can be used to override the default naming
#network_name = ""

# network_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing Virtual Network
#network_arm_id = ""

# network_address_space is a mandatory parameter when an existing Virtual network is not used
network_address_space = ""

# use_private_endpoint is a boolean flag controlling if the key vaults and storage accounts have private endpoints
use_private_endpoint = false

# use_service_endpoint is a boolean flag controlling if the key vaults and storage accounts have service endpoints
use_service_endpoint = true

#Defines if the SAP VNet will be peered with the control plane VNet
peer_with_control_plane_vnet = true

# Defines if access to the key vaults and storage accounts is restricted to the SAP and deployer VNets
enable_firewall_for_keyvaults_and_storage = false

# Defines if public access is allowed for the storage accounts and key vaults
public_network_access_enabled = true

# place_delete_lock_on_resources, If defined, a delete lock will be placed on the key resources
place_delete_lock_on_resources = false

#                                                                                          #
#                                  NAT Configuration                                       #
#                                                                                          #

deploy_nat_gateway = true
nat_gateway_name   = "PRD-WEEU-SUT295434-NG_0001"
# nat_gateway_public_ip_zones = ["1", "2", "3"]
# nat_gateway_idle_timeout_in_minutes = 10
nat_gateway_public_ip_tags = {
  "ipTagType": "OpenQA-SDAF-automation",
  "tag": "OpenQA-SDAF-automation"

#                                                                                       #
#  Admin Subnet variables                                                               #
#                                                                                       #

# admin_subnet_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable
#admin_subnet_name = ""

# admin_subnet_address_prefix is a mandatory parameter if the subnets are not defined in the workload or if existing subnets are not used
admin_subnet_address_prefix = ""

# admin_subnet_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing subnet to use
#admin_subnet_arm_id = ""

# admin_subnet_nsg_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable for the network security group name
#admin_subnet_nsg_name = ""

# admin_subnet_nsg_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing network security group to use
#admin_subnet_nsg_arm_id = ""

#                                                                                       #
#  DB Subnet variables                                                                  #
#                                                                                       #

# If defined these parameters control the subnet name and the subnet prefix
# db_subnet_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable
#db_subnet_name = ""

# db_subnet_address_prefix is a mandatory parameter if the subnets are not defined in the workload or if existing subnets are not used
db_subnet_address_prefix = ""

# db_subnet_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing subnet to use
#db_subnet_arm_id = ""

# db_subnet_nsg_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable for the network security group name
#db_subnet_nsg_name = ""

# db_subnet_nsg_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing network security group to use
#db_subnet_nsg_arm_id = ""

#                                                                                       #
#  App Subnet variables                                                                 #
#                                                                                       #

# If defined these parameters control the subnet name and the subnet prefix
# app_subnet_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable
#app_subnet_name = ""

# app_subnet_address_prefix is a mandatory parameter if the subnets are not defined in the workload or if existing subnets are not used
app_subnet_address_prefix = ""

# app_subnet_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing subnet to use
#app_subnet_arm_id = ""

# app_subnet_nsg_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable for the network security group name
#app_subnet_nsg_name = ""

# app_subnet_nsg_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing network security group to use
#app_subnet_nsg_arm_id = ""

#                                                                                       #
#  Web Subnet variables                                                                 #
#                                                                                       #

# If defined these parameters control the subnet name and the subnet prefix
# web_subnet_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable
#web_subnet_name = ""

# web_subnet_address_prefix is a mandatory parameter if the subnets are not defined in the workload or if existing subnets are not used
web_subnet_address_prefix = ""

# web_subnet_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing subnet to use
#web_subnet_arm_id = ""

# web_subnet_nsg_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable for the network security group name
#web_subnet_nsg_name = ""

# web_subnet_nsg_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing network security group to use
#web_subnet_nsg_arm_id = ""

#                                                                                       #
#  ANF Subnet variables                                                                 #
#                                                                                       #

# If defined these parameters control the subnet name and the subnet prefix
# anf_subnet_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable
#anf_subnet_name = ""

# anf_subnet_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing subnet
#anf_subnet_arm_id = ""

# ANF requires a dedicated subnet, the address space for the subnet is provided with  anf_subnet_address_prefix
# anf_subnet_address_prefix is a mandatory parameter if the subnets are not defined in the workload or if existing subnets are not used
#anf_subnet_address_prefix = ""

# $anf_subnet_nsg_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable for the network security group name
#anf_subnet_nsg_name = ""

# anf_subnet_nsg_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing network security group to use
#anf_subnet_nsg_arm_id = ""

#                                                                                       #
#  DNS Settings                                                                         #
#                                                                                       #

# custom dns resource group name
#management_dns_resourcegroup_name = ""

# custom dns subscription
#management_dns_subscription_id = ""

# Defines if a custom dns solution is used
use_custom_dns_a_registration = false

# Defines if the Virtual network for the Virtual machines is registered with DNS
# This also controls the creation of DNS entries for the load balancers
register_virtual_network_to_dns = true

#                                                                                       #
#  Azure Keyvault support                                                               #
#                                                                                       #

# The user keyvault is designed to host secrets for the administrative users
# user_keyvault_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies the Azure resource identifier for an existing keyvault
#user_keyvault_id = ""

# The SPN keyvault is designed to host the SPN credentials used by the automation
# spn_keyvault_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies the Azure resource identifier for an existing keyvault
#spn_keyvault_id = ""

# enable_purge_control_for_keyvaults is an optional parameter that czan be used to disable the purge protection fro Azure keyvaults
enable_purge_control_for_keyvaults = false

# enable_rbac_authorization_for_keyvault Controls the access policy model for the workload zone keyvault.
enable_rbac_authorization_for_keyvault = false

#                                                                                       #
#  Credentials                                                                          #
#                                                                                       #

# The automation_username defines the user account used by the automation
automation_username = "azureadm"

# The automation_password is an optional parameter that can be used to provide a password for the automation user
# If empty Terraform will create a password and persist it in keyvault
#automation_password = ""

# The automation_path_to_public_key is an optional parameter that can be used to provide a path to an existing ssh public key file
# If empty Terraform will create the ssh key and persist it in keyvault
# automation_path_to_public_key = "~/.ssh/"

# The automation_path_to_private_key is an optional parameter that can be used to provide a path to an existing ssh private key file
# If empty Terraform will create the ssh key and persist it in keyvault
# automation_path_to_private_key = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

#                                                                                       #
#  Storage account details                                                               #
#                                                                                       #

# Defines the size of the install volume
install_volume_size = 1024

# install_storage_account_id defines the Azure resource id for the install storage account
#install_storage_account_id = ""

# azurerm_private_endpoint_connection_install_id defines the Azure resource id for the install storage account's private endpoint connection
#install_private_endpoint_id = ""

# create_transport_storage defines if the workload zone will host storage for the transport data
create_transport_storage = false

# Defines the size of the transport volume
transport_volume_size = 128

# azure_files_transport_storage_account_id defines the Azure resource id for the transport storage account
#transport_storage_account_id = ""

# azurerm_private_endpoint_connection_transport_id defines the Azure resource id for the transport storage accounts private endpoint connection
#transport_private_endpoint_id = ""

# $diagnostics_storage_account_arm_id defines the Azure resource id for the diagnostics storage accounts
#diagnostics_storage_account_arm_id = ""

# witness_storage_account_arm_id defines the Azure resource id for the witness storage accounts
#witness_storage_account_arm_id = ""

# storage_account_replication_type defines the replication type for Azure Files for NFS storage accounts
storage_account_replication_type = "ZRS"

#                                                                                       #
#  Resource group details                                                               #
#                                                                                       #

# The two resource group name and arm_id can be used to control the naming and the creation of the resource group

# The resourcegroup_name value is optional, it can be used to override the name of the resource group that will be provisioned
resourcegroup_name = "SDAF-OpenQA-workload_zone-295434"

# The resourcegroup_name arm_id is optional, it can be used to provide an existing resource group for the deployment
#resourcegroup_arm_id = ""

#                                                                                       #
#  Private DNS support                                                                  #                                                                                       #
#                                                                                       #

# If defined provides the DNS label for the Virtual Network

#If defined provides the lsit of DNS servers to attach to the Virtual NEtwork
#dns_server_list = []

#                                                                                       #
#  NFS support                                                                          #
#                                                                                       #

# NFS_Provider defines how NFS services are provided to the SAP systems, valid options are "ANF", "AFS", "NFS" or "NONE"
# AFS indicates that Azure Files for NFS is used
# ANF indicates that Azure NetApp Files is used
# NFS indicates that a custom solution is used for NFS
NFS_provider = "AFS"

# use_AFS_for_installation_media defines if shared media is on AFS even when using ANF for data
# use_AFS_for_installation_media = true

#                                                                                       #
#  Azure NetApp files support                                                           #
#                                                                                       #

# ANF_account_name is the name for the Netapp Account
#ANF_account_name = ""

#ANF_service_level is the service level for the NetApp pool
ANF_service_level = "Ultra"

#ANF_pool_name is the ANF pool name
#ANF_pool_name = ""

#ANF_pool_size is the pool size in TB for the NetApp pool
#ANF_pool_size = 0

#ANF_qos_type defines the Quality of Service type of the pool (Auto or Manual)
ANF_qos_type = "Manual"

# ANF_account_arm_id is the Azure resource identifier for an existing Netapp Account
#ANF_account_arm_id = ""

#ANF_use_existing_pool defines if an existing pool is used
#ANF_use_existing_pool = false

#                                                                                       #
#  Transport ANF Volume                                                                 #
#                                                                                       #

#ANF_transport_volume_use_existing defines if an existing volume is used for transport
#ANF_transport_volume_use_existing = false

#ANF_transport_volume_name is the name of the transport volume
#ANF_transport_volume_name = ""

#ANF_transport_volume_throughput is the throughput for the transport volume
#ANF_transport_volume_throughput = 0

#ANF_transport_volume_size is the size for the transport volume
#ANF_transport_volume_size = 0

#                                                                                       #
#  Install ANF Volume                                                                   #
#                                                                                       #

#ANF_install_volume_use_existing defines if an existing volume is used for install
#ANF_install_volume_use_existing = false

#ANF_install_volume_name is the name of the install volume
#ANF_install_volume_name = ""

#ANF_install_volume_throughput is the throughput for the install volume
#ANF_install_volume_throughput = 0

#ANF_install_volume_size is the size for the install volume
#ANF_install_volume_size = 0

#                                                                         #
#                                    ISCSI Networking                     #
#                                                                         #

/* iscsi subnet information */
# If defined these parameters control the subnet name and the subnet prefix
# iscsi_subnet_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable
#iscsi_subnet_name = ""

# iscsi_subnet_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing subnet
#iscsi_subnet_arm_id = ""

# iscsi_subnet_address_prefix is a mandatory parameter if the subnets are not defined in the workload or if existing subnets are not used
#iscsi_subnet_address_prefix = ""

# iscsi_subnet_nsg_arm_id is an optional parameter that if provided specifies Azure resource identifier for the existing nsg
#iscsi_subnet_nsg_arm_id = ""

# iscsi_subnet_nsg_name is an optional parameter and should only be used if the default naming is not acceptable for the network security group name
#iscsi_subnet_nsg_name = ""

#                                                                         #
#                                ISCSI Devices                            #
#                                                                         #

# Number of iSCSI devices to be created
iscsi_count = 0

# Size of iSCSI Virtual Machines to be created
iscsi_size = "Standard_D2s_v3"

# Defines if the iSCSI devices use DHCP
iscsi_useDHCP = true

# Defines the Virtual Machine image for the iSCSI devices
#iscsi_image = {}

# Defines the Virtual Machine authentication type for the iSCSI devices
iscsi_authentication_type = "key"

# Defines the username for the iSCSI devices
iscsi_authentication_username = "azureadm"

# Defines the IP Addresses for the iSCSI devices
#iscsi_nic_ips = []

# Defines the Availability zones for the iSCSI devices
#iscsi_vm_zones = []

# user_assigned_identity_id defines the user assigned identity to be assigned to the Virtual machines
#user_assigned_identity_id = ""

#                                                                                       #
#  Terraform deployment parameters                                                      #
#                                                                                       #

# These are required parameters, if using the deployment scripts they will be auto populated otherwise they need to be entered

# tfstate_resource_id is the Azure resource identifier for the Storage account in the SAP Library
# that will contain the Terraform state files
#tfstate_resource_id = ""

# deployer_tfstate_key is the state file name for the deployer
#deployer_tfstate_key = ""

# use_spn defines if the deployments are performed using Service Principals or the deployer's managed identiry, true=SPN, false=MSI
use_spn = true

#                                                                                       #
#  Utility VM definitions                                                              #
#                                                                                       #

# Defines the number of workload _vms to create
utility_vm_count = 0

# Defines the SKU for the workload virtual machine
#utility_vm_size = ""

# Defines the size of the OS disk for the Virtual Machine
utility_vm_os_disk_size = "128"

# Defines the type of the OS disk for the Virtual Machine
utility_vm_os_disk_type = "Premium_LRS"

# Defines if the utility virtual machine uses DHCP
utility_vm_useDHCP = true

# Defines if the utility virtual machine image
#utility_vm_image = {}

# Defines if the utility virtual machine IP
#utility_vm_nic_ips = []

#                                                                                          #
#                                  Tags for all resources                                  #
#                                                                                          #

# These tags will be applied to all resources
tags = {
  "DeployedBy" = "OpenQA-SDAF-automation",
lpalovsky commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like terraform hashicorp/azurerm provider is bumped from v3.116.0 to v4.0.1. That is the only difference I see so far between passing and failing test.