Think this is a broader issue with profile conflict resolution however I raise it here as it particularly impacts the PAW-Win10-Config-Custom-CSP profile, with about 25 settings showing conflicts.
A setting in the MDM Security baseline profile may conflict with a setting in a custom policy even when the setting is the same.
For example, the MSSLegacy/AllowICMPRedirctsToOverideOSPF setting with a value "disabled" in the PAW-Win10-Config-Custom-CSP profile shows as a conflict with the same setting in a MDM Security Baseline Profile with "MSS Legacy > Network ICMP redirects override OSPF generated routes" set to "Disabled".
More confusingly when reviewing a device against the PAW-Win10-Config-Custom-CSP profile it shows as "Conflicts with 1 profile" that profile being itself.
If reviewing a device status against the MDM Security Baseline profile it shows the conflict but again does not show the conflicting profile.
A workaround is to change the Security Baseline setting to "Not Configured" (not ideal) and this removes the conflict when reviewing the device status against the PAW-Win10-Config-Custom-CSP profile but it still appears as a conflict when reviewing the device in the MDM Security Baseline profile.
Think this is a broader issue with profile conflict resolution however I raise it here as it particularly impacts the PAW-Win10-Config-Custom-CSP profile, with about 25 settings showing conflicts.
A setting in the MDM Security baseline profile may conflict with a setting in a custom policy even when the setting is the same.
For example, the MSSLegacy/AllowICMPRedirctsToOverideOSPF setting with a value "disabled" in the PAW-Win10-Config-Custom-CSP profile shows as a conflict with the same setting in a MDM Security Baseline Profile with "MSS Legacy > Network ICMP redirects override OSPF generated routes" set to "Disabled".
More confusingly when reviewing a device against the PAW-Win10-Config-Custom-CSP profile it shows as "Conflicts with 1 profile" that profile being itself.
If reviewing a device status against the MDM Security Baseline profile it shows the conflict but again does not show the conflicting profile.
A workaround is to change the Security Baseline setting to "Not Configured" (not ideal) and this removes the conflict when reviewing the device status against the PAW-Win10-Config-Custom-CSP profile but it still appears as a conflict when reviewing the device in the MDM Security Baseline profile.