At Kubecon 2017 in Austin, I talked with @pwittrock about this CLI and he suggested that we upstream some of our generalizable code (i.e. parsing a kube config file) to
@mbauer and @jberkhahn were also at that discussion, and they have written a set of Kubectl plugins that also contain some generalizable code (naturally, service-catalog-cli and the plugins duplicate a lot of functionality)
The end state should be that as much generalizable code is pushed upstream and this CLI pulls it in.
At Kubecon 2017 in Austin, I talked with @pwittrock about this CLI and he suggested that we upstream some of our generalizable code (i.e. parsing a kube config file) to
@mbauer and @jberkhahn were also at that discussion, and they have written a set of Kubectl plugins that also contain some generalizable code (naturally, service-catalog-cli and the plugins duplicate a lot of functionality)
The end state should be that as much generalizable code is pushed upstream and this CLI pulls it in.
cc/ @carolynvs