Azure / service-fabric-mesh-preview

Service Fabric Mesh is the Service Fabric's serverless offering to enable developers to deploy containerized applications without managing infrastructure. Service Fabric Mesh , aka project “SeaBreeze” is currently available in private preview. This repository will be used for tracking bugs/feature requests as GitHub issues and for maintaining the latest documentation.
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No way to see logs of failed deployment through CLI #269

Open eiximenis opened 6 years ago

eiximenis commented 6 years ago

Hi! Is there any way to see the logs of why an application fails to deploy?

I am trying to deploy a two windows containers application in SF Mesh, but no luck.

Using az mesh app show gives me following information:

  "debugParams": null,
  "description": "eShopOnContainers on mesh",
  "diagnostics": null,
  "healthState": "Error",
  "id": "/subscriptions/dd323474-a5cb-40c9-9360-3dbc04a7cf90/resourcegroups/mesh-edu/providers/Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh/applications/eShopRegistrationApp",
  "location": "eastus",
  "name": "eShopRegistrationApp",
  "provisioningState": "Failed",
  "resourceGroup": "mesh-edu",
  "serviceNames": [
  "services": null,
  "status": "Failed",
  "statusDetails": null,
  "tags": {},
  "type": "applications",
  "unhealthyEvaluation": null

Using az mesh code-package log no info is shown (just an error about 'ClientRequestError' object has no attribute 'response' on both services)

Using Azure portal to see the deployment also show a useless information:

    "level": "Error",
    "operationId": "eda7b6a0-1e8a-4fec-93f5-58cf8022c080",
    "operationName": {
        "value": "Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh/applications/write",
        "localizedValue": "Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh/applications/write"
    "resourceGroupName": "mesh-edu",
    "resourceProviderName": {
        "value": "Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh",
        "localizedValue": "Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh"
    "resourceType": {
        "value": "Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh/applications",
        "localizedValue": "Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh/applications"
    "resourceId": "/subscriptions/dd323474-a5cb-40c9-9360-3dbc04a7cf90/resourcegroups/mesh-edu/providers/Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh/applications/eShopRegistrationApp",
    "status": {
        "value": "Failed",
        "localizedValue": "Failed"
    "subStatus": {
        "value": "",
        "localizedValue": ""
    "submissionTimestamp": "2018-08-29T14:38:44.0864835Z",
    "subscriptionId": "dd323474-a5cb-40c9-9360-3dbc04a7cf90",
    "properties": {
        "statusCode": "Conflict",
        "statusMessage": "{\"status\":\"Failed\",\"error\":{\"code\":\"ResourceDeploymentFailure\",\"message\":\"The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.\"}}"

So, there is any way to get a log about what happened?

mattrowmsft commented 6 years ago

There is a bug currently where the application's statusDetails field is getting overwritten with null so that the useful debugging message is lost. The fix is currently flighting in our test region. I checked logs for your application and you hit a bug in the Mesh service related to disk space for images on our underlying infrastructure. Fix for this is also in test region to be released soon. For now you could delete and create again and it should work.

eiximenis commented 6 years ago

Hi @mattrowmsft. Thanks for quick reply.

So, if I understood correclty I need to wait for the fix to be applied isn't it? Is there an estimated ETA?


suhuruli commented 6 years ago

You can also delete and create again