Azure / service-fabric-mesh-preview

Service Fabric Mesh is the Service Fabric's serverless offering to enable developers to deploy containerized applications without managing infrastructure. Service Fabric Mesh , aka project “SeaBreeze” is currently available in private preview. This repository will be used for tracking bugs/feature requests as GitHub issues and for maintaining the latest documentation.
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FormatException when Service Fabric Mesh is setting up. #275

Open JohanSellberg opened 5 years ago

JohanSellberg commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am trying hte new Service Fabric Mesh Preview by doing the hello world and the Quickstart tutorial.

The Hello World works great for sure but trying the quickstart guide for a web app I get error when I open the project and Service Fabric mesh is initiating. Later if I try F5 it fails without any visible error message.

Here is the output I get on startup:

========== Checking for Container Prerequisites ==========
Verifying that Docker for Windows is installed...
Docker for Windows is installed.
Verifying that Docker for Windows is running...
Docker for Windows is running.
Verifying that the Service Fabric SDK is installed...
The Service Fabric SDK is installed.
Finding required service projects...
Service projects found.
========== Pulling Required Images ==========
Checking for missing Docker images...
Docker pull completed.
Docker images are ready.
========== Warming up Service Fabric application ==========
Verifying that Docker for Windows' operating system mode matches the project's target operating system...
Docker for Windows' operating system mode matches the project's mode.
Preparing Docker images for service projects...
The Dockerfile 'C:\Users\jose01\source\repos\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\ServiceMeshTestweb\Dockerfile' will be used to build image servicemeshtestweb:dev needed by Service ServiceMeshTestweb, CodePackage ServiceMeshTestweb.
docker build -f "C:\Users\jose01\source\repos\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\ServiceMeshTestweb\Dockerfile" -t servicemeshtestweb:dev --target base "C:\Users\jose01\source\repos\ServiceFabricMeshTesting" 

Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.482MB
Step 1/3 : FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime AS base
 ---> ce45e18b0bd1
Step 2/3 : WORKDIR /app
 ---> Running in 2c44b0bacd0a
Removing intermediate container 2c44b0bacd0a
 ---> ddf4b67fadff
Step 3/3 : EXPOSE 20006
 ---> Running in 32ec48a607ba
Removing intermediate container 32ec48a607ba
 ---> ad7bc70542af
Successfully built ad7bc70542af
Successfully tagged servicemeshtestweb:dev
Docker images are ready.
Preparing the debugger...
Debugger is ready.
The container runtime settings for Service ServiceMeshTestweb, CodePackage ServiceMeshTestweb have not changed since the last deployment.
Preparing Service Fabric application in local Service Fabric cluster...
A running container for Service ServiceMeshTestweb, CodePackage ServiceMeshTestweb was not found.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Service Fabric\Tools\Mesh\SfSbzYamlMerge\SfSbzYamlMerge.exe  /i:"C:\Users\jose01\source\repos\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\ServiceMeshTestweb\Service Resources\service.yaml" /i:"C:\Users\jose01\source\repos\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\App Resources\app.yaml" /i:"C:\Users\jose01\source\repos\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\obj\SFApp\App.debug.yaml" /o:"C:\Users\jose01\source\repos\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\ServiceFabricMeshTesting\obj\SFApp" /of:"SF_SBZ_JSON"
Indatastr„ngen hade ett felaktigt format.
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, String propertyName, PrimitiveType type)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.ToJson(YamlMappingNode yamlNode, String outputPropertyFilter, IList`1 primitiveProperties)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
System.FormatException: Indatastr„ngen hade ett felaktigt format.
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
   vid System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecuteVoid3[T0,T1,T2](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperties(JToken container, IList`1 primitiveProperties)
   vid Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Yaml2Json.Yaml2Json.FixProperty(JToken container, IList`1 pathComponents, PrimitiveType type, Int32 level)
   vid SfSbzYamlMerge.Program.SaveMergedJsonDocument(YamlDocument mergedDocument, KeyValuePair`2 resourceKindNamePair)
   vid SfSbzYamlMerge.Program.Main(String[] args)
   vid CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Type , Object , IList`1 )
Deployment of Service Fabric application to local Service Fabric cluster failed.
========== Finished ==========

Seems like one of the yml file have a value that it cannot parse or something? I have not changed any values from initial project creation of mesh application.

mikkelhegn commented 5 years ago

This is a know issue with the SfSbzYamlMerge.exe not honoring regional settings. Check here: