Azure / service-fabric-mesh-preview

Service Fabric Mesh is the Service Fabric's serverless offering to enable developers to deploy containerized applications without managing infrastructure. Service Fabric Mesh , aka project “SeaBreeze” is currently available in private preview. This repository will be used for tracking bugs/feature requests as GitHub issues and for maintaining the latest documentation.
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When is SFMesh support coming for VS2019?? #307

Open MickBadran opened 5 years ago

MickBadran commented 5 years ago

Just upgraded to VS.NET 2019 Preview 1 - trying to get SFMesh to insall....I've got a better chance of seeing Santa.

Just wondering when.

mikkelhegn commented 5 years ago


BigMorty commented 5 years ago

@MickBadran - A VS2019 Mesh tooling extension is on our backlog!

aloneguid commented 5 years ago

You can always manually install the extension, it's a matter of changing manifest file.

MickBadran commented 5 years ago

@aloneguid can you ellaborate a little more

BigMorty commented 5 years ago

I don't think that will work for VS2019, I believe there are some code changes we need to make in order for the Mesh extension to work.

BigMorty commented 5 years ago

@MickBadran - I believe @aloneguid was referring to changing the manifest file in the vsix to identify it supports VS2019. Unfortunately, there are other changes we need to make to the Mesh extension to work properly in VS2019.

aloneguid commented 5 years ago

Yeah sorry I've tried to do that, but unfortunately VSIX depends on some packages available only in VS2017 so it crashes on install. We'll wait for your updates @BigMorty ;)

BigMorty commented 5 years ago


Farzad-Jalali commented 5 years ago

You can always manually install the extension, it's a matter of changing manifest file.

Could you please kindly show us how to do it?

sondreb commented 4 years ago

Mesh Tooling for Visual Studio 2019 has been on the backlog for almost a year now, any updated?

kassemdarwish commented 4 years ago

Any updates on this?