Azure / service-fabric-mesh-preview

Service Fabric Mesh is the Service Fabric's serverless offering to enable developers to deploy containerized applications without managing infrastructure. Service Fabric Mesh , aka project “SeaBreeze” is currently available in private preview. This repository will be used for tracking bugs/feature requests as GitHub issues and for maintaining the latest documentation.
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IPAddressProviderAddressRangeExhausted #322

Open markheath opened 5 years ago

markheath commented 5 years ago

I have been deploying and deleting the same app many times as part of troubleshooting issue #315. Sometimes it starts up and is healthy (I'm checking with az mesh app show), while other times I see one or more of my services in error.

Several times now I've seen IPAddressProviderAddressRangeExhausted. Here you can see two services are reporting this error.

  "unhealthyEvaluation": "Unhealthy deployed applications: 50% (1/2), MaxPercentUnhealthyDeployedApplications=0%.
    Unhealthy deployed application: ApplicationName='fabric:/votingApp', NodeName='_Dev_2', AggregatedHealthState='Error'.
    Unhealthy deployed service packages: 40% (2/5).
    Unhealthy deployed service package: ApplicationName='fabric:/votingApp', ServiceManifestName='resultServicePkg', ServicePackageActivationId='7cbffa06-d123-4204-9ab2-5949b358f5a3', NodeName='_Dev_2', AggregatedHealthState='Error'.
    Error event: SourceId='System.Hosting', Property='Activation:1.0:1.0:131891928649323999'. 'There was an error during activation.IPAddressProviderAddressRangeExhausted'
    Unhealthy deployed service package: ApplicationName='fabric:/votingApp', ServiceManifestName='workerServicePkg', ServicePackageActivationId='26b72406-86a1-4b0a-98a5-9053e62e945e', NodeName='_Dev_2', AggregatedHealthState='Error'.
    Error event: SourceId='System.Hosting', Property='Activation:1.0:1.0:131891928649323999'. 'There was an error during activation.IPAddressProviderAddressRangeExhausted'"

Ironically, despite this error message, this is the first time a deployment actually worked and both the two services I was exposing via the gateway were accessible. But I'm reporting this anyway as it was requested by @sridmad. Here's the ARM template I was deploying.