Azure / service-fabric-mesh-preview

Service Fabric Mesh is the Service Fabric's serverless offering to enable developers to deploy containerized applications without managing infrastructure. Service Fabric Mesh , aka project “SeaBreeze” is currently available in private preview. This repository will be used for tracking bugs/feature requests as GitHub issues and for maintaining the latest documentation.
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Local SF Mesh Cluster with Linux-based Containers #346

Open displaced opened 5 years ago

displaced commented 5 years ago


As I understand it, running Docker on Windows 10 with Linux Containers is not a supported configuration for deploying local service mesh clusters via Local Cluster Manager.

My app is Python based, so happy to run on either Linux or Windows containers. However, I'm unable to use Docker on my local machine with Windows containers as there appears to be a conflict between Docker and our anti-virus product.

docker pull <image> always fails with

failed to register layer: re-exec error: exit status 1: output: ProcessBaseLayer \\?\E:\DockerImages\windowsfilter\8aa445882dda5b9db395447bb7294b8b882b37b6d9eff518d93744ab022d3de6: Access is denied.

There's no way I can run on our corporate network without the standard A/V protection, and no suggested solution appears to work.

So, given I'm stuck with using Linux containers, is there any hope for local clusters supporting Docker in Linux mode?

Thanks! Chris