Azure / service-fabric-mesh-preview

Service Fabric Mesh is the Service Fabric's serverless offering to enable developers to deploy containerized applications without managing infrastructure. Service Fabric Mesh , aka project “SeaBreeze” is currently available in private preview. This repository will be used for tracking bugs/feature requests as GitHub issues and for maintaining the latest documentation.
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Quickstart: Deploy Hello World not working #391

Open TobiasNissen opened 3 years ago

TobiasNissen commented 3 years ago

I've been following the quickstart guide at

When reaching the "Deploy the Application" section, I run into trouble. In particular, the command: az mesh deployment create --resource-group myResourceGroup --template-uri --parameters "{'location': {'value': 'eastus'}}" terminates with the following error: ValidationError: The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Could not find member 'template' on object of type 'DeploymentDefinition'. Path 'template', line 1, position 12.

I have of course ensured that a valid resource group is referenced. I haven't been able to find any information on the missing "template" member.

LokeshSoundarajan commented 3 years ago

I'm also facing the same issue at the deploying application step. I have tried with both linux and windows templates. But its the same error. ValidationError: The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Could not find member 'template' on object of type 'DeploymentDefinition'. Path 'template', line 1, position 12.

cankanat commented 3 years ago

I am having the same problem not only in hello world template but also in other templates.

"BadRequestError: The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Could not find member 'template' on object of type 'DeploymentDefinition'. Path 'template', line 1, position 12.'."

CloudDevDan commented 3 years ago

I've also experienced this issue today.

aleks-noname commented 3 years ago

Yes, I'm also trying deploy all samples and got same error. Anybody can resolve it?

cankanat commented 3 years ago

I solve this issue with using Deploy Custom Template. You can paste the template file to the template editor. I don't know exactly why, but when I did it this way, the deployment was successfully done.


aleks-noname commented 3 years ago

Hi @cankanat. Thank you for answer! Yes, It's help me. The deployment started but I got another error during deployment application (gateway and network is ok): { "status": "Failed", "error": { "code": "ClusterAllocationInsufficientCapacity", "message": "Insufficient capacity is available in this region. Please try again later or try a different region.", "details": [] } }

I'm trying two region West Europe and East US, checked quotas and nothing. Could you know something about it?

aleks-noname commented 3 years ago

Hi @cankanat. Thank you for answer! Yes, It's help me. The deployment started but I got another error during deployment application (gateway and network is ok): { "status": "Failed", "error": { "code": "ClusterAllocationInsufficientCapacity", "message": "Insufficient capacity is available in this region. Please try again later or try a different region.", "details": [] } }

I'm trying two region West Europe and East US, checked quotas and nothing. Could you know something about it?

aleks-noname commented 3 years ago

Hi. I got answer from MS Support: Service Fabric Mesh preview is temporarily disabled due to security reasons. While the service is disabled, if you attempt to utilize the Mesh service you will receive the following error message: "Cannot deploy Service Fabric Mesh application in region, reports insufficient capacity".

Waiting when Microsoft guys will enable SFM.