Open wangrandk opened 9 months ago
This issue is idle because it has been open for 14 days with no activity.
Could you help me how did you manage to deploy store procedure? I couldn't find any relevant document.
@ShubhamG25 - are you looking for overall documentation on deploying objects, including stored procedures, for SQL?
Yes please, if possible?
Also I need to enable CDC on the particular tables. I am getting this error Build error SQL70001: This statement is not recognized in this context
Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: CREATE PROCEDURE [integration].[AutoMerge] @Source NVARCHAR (255), @Target NVARCHAR (255), @UsingIndex NVARCHAR (255)=NULL, @Mode INT=1, @IncludeColumns NVARCHAR (MAX)=NULL, @ExcludeColumns NVARCHAR (MAX)=NULL, @SkipMissingSourceColumns BIT=0, @TruncateSourceAfterMerge BIT=0, @Debug BIT=0 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; DECLARE @NewLine AS NCHAR (1) = char(13); DECLARE @Identation AS NVARCHAR (32) = ''; DECLARE @SourceSchema AS sysname = isnull(parsename(@Source, 2), schema_name()), @SourceTable AS sysname = parsename(@Source, 1), @TargetSchema AS sysname = isnull(parsename(@Target, 2), schema_name()), @TargetTable AS sysname = parsename(@Target, 1), @IndexId AS INT; DECLARE @Columns TABLE ( ColId INT , ColumnName sysname , TypeName sysname , Bytes SMALLINT); DECLARE @MatchColumns AS TABLE ( ColId INT , ColumnName sysname); DECLARE @SourceColumns TABLE ( ColumnName sysname); DECLARE Time elapsed 0:00:57.34 Error: The process 'sqlpackage' failed with exit code 1