Azure / sql-action

🚀 Deploy changes to your SQL database easily with SQL projects or SQL scripts and sql-action for GitHub workflows
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Issues with Nordic Characters #223

Open stefkla opened 1 month ago

stefkla commented 1 month ago

Hi ! My action looks like this:

    - name: Deploy Post-script Database 
      uses: Azure/sql-action@v1
        server-name: ${{steps.ServerName}}
        connection-string: ${{...sql-pipelineconfig-connectionstring}}
        sql-file: ${{ github.workspace }}\Path\to\script\file.sql

The issue I am facing is that nordic characters - ÅÆØ - are replaced by garbage symbols, E.g: 'Kårstø' becomes 'KÃ…RSTØ'

The Collation is set correctly on the Azure SQL database, and we can run the script manually in in SQL Server Management Studio to get the correct output.

Tried a couple of different things, among others verifying database collation, column types, that the generated files have the correct UTF encoding. The last thing I can think of is that it is possibly an issue with the action

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue is idle because it has been open for 14 days with no activity.

zijchen commented 1 week ago

Hello, can you share which runner image you're using and the database collation? I tested with Ubuntu 22.04 and a database with collation Danish_Norwegian_CI_AS but could not reproduce the error. I inserted nordic text into a table with nordic name and everything is working as expected.