Azure / static-web-apps-cli

Azure Static Web Apps CLI ✨
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Feedback on trying to deploy dotnet isolated API with static web app #699

Open Socolin opened 1 year ago

Socolin commented 1 year ago


After hours of trying to figure out thing I just want to request some improvement with the dotnet isolated integration, it was really painful to get it working, due to the lack of error message or misleading error message.

I was not using github, I'm just using the cli in bash console on Linux (I just wanted to figure things out before setting up pipeline in Azure DevOps)

Language is dotnetisolated and not dotnet-isolated

First things, the --api-language for dotnet-isolated function is... dotnetisolated (no dash) I spent so much time on it, getting the error message:

✖ Cannot deploy to the function app because Function language info isn't provided, use flags "--api-language" and "--api-version" or add a "platform.apiRuntime" property to your staticwebapp.config.json file, or create one in public. Please consult the documentation for more information about staticwebapp.config.json:

I added to the staticwebapp.config.json the following, but it did not help (but the error message say it should...)

    "platform": {
        "apiRuntime": "dotnet-isolated:7.0"

Then I tried adding the --api-version 7.0 --api-language dotnet-isolated parameters and I was still getting the error message, I had to check the code to find this came from StaticSitesClient open this as text and find the json in it to finally see the string for the language is dotnetisolated and not dotnet-isolated


And if I try to put dotnetisolated:7.0 in the config file I'm getting this error

The following error was encountered: must be equal to one of the allowed values dotnet:3.1, dotnet:6.0, dotnet-isolated:6.0, dotnet-isolated:7.0, node:12, node:14, node:16, node:18, python:3.8, python:3.9, python:3.10
0: {
1:     "platform": {
2:         "apiRuntime": "dotnetisolated:7.0"
3:     },

So there is no easy way to figure out that the language should be dotnetisolated I think this may be a bug, but a tlease it would be nice in the error message to list the valid languages/versions.

swa build / swa deploy was not publishing the api and is not deploying the correct folder

swa build was not building the dotnet app because there was noi apiBuildCommand in the swa-cli.config.json one improvement could be to add warning when there is an api location / platform.apiRuntime configured with no build command (at least for dotnet)

And when using the swa deploy I had to target the output folder in the --api-location instead of ./api I has to add ./api/publish (I'm using the build command dotnet publish -c Release -o publish)

That's all, I hope this can help to improve this product :) or at least it might help someone else trying to figure it out too in the future.

pwang2 commented 1 year ago

Same thing here. a found of issues here.

  1. --api-language detection is not correct.
  2. published API directory was the API directory itself instead of the ./bin/Debug/.net7.0/publish.
  3. from SWA cli, even I use the ./bin/xxxx/publish folder as --api-location, the cloud resource can not detect the managed API correctly.
pwang2 commented 1 year ago

After downgrade from 1.1.2 to version 1.1.1, it works perfect fine. what a day!