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Blazor WASM SWA Build fails: Oryx has failed to build the solution. #1454

Open saroshwadia opened 2 months ago

saroshwadia commented 2 months ago

Build fails

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. run the .github/workflows/azure-static-web-apps-green-bay-0f0146910.yml
  2. After it fails in around two minutes
  3. Select Build and Deploy Job to open the details of the deployment.
  4. Select Build And Deploy to display the log.
  5. Scroll to line 738 you will see the error "Oryx has failed to build the solution."

Expected behavior Build should succeed like it has been for last 25+ times.

Screenshots image

Device info (if applicable):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. BlazroWASmSWAError