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Custom Domain Setup validation failed #1468

Open DPJorisWillrodt opened 1 month ago

DPJorisWillrodt commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Hi, I am trying to add a custom domain to my Azure Static Web App, but I keep getting this error message:

An unknown error has occurred while adding your custom domain. Please try again later.

It shows the status "success" after the validation, but in the custom domain table is it "Validation failed".

Info: I had previously added this custom domain to a storage account. But I deleted this ressource already, so there might be no conflicts between them about the custom domain.

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Setup the CNAME entry to the according value
  2. Test subdomain resolution
  3. Go to Static Web App -> Custom domains -> Add -> Custom Domain on other DNS
  4. Entered the Domain name -> Click Next
  5. Check data -> click Add

Expected behavior Configure and setup the custom domain, so it is reachable.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Shows "Validated"-Status after adding grafik

Shows another status in the custom domain overview grafik

Device info (if applicable):

Additional context I found a similar Issue, that was solved in the past: Issue There was the domain flagged and they unblocked it. Is this here the same Issue?

The Azure generated random domain is below: