Azure / static-web-apps

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Next.js 14 Streaming + Suspense not working as expected #1473

Open Fedeorlandau opened 1 month ago

Fedeorlandau commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Streaming + Suspense isn't working on static web apps (nextjs hybrid website)

It waits until the async component finishes loading to render the entire page making the user have to wait a lot until the page is visible

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior The async component (product recommendations) should be loaded AFTER the initial render

Screenshots SWA Vercel
image image
image image

Device info (if applicable):

Additional context I believe that the azure functions that are being used behind the scenes don't support streaming. And thanks for your hard work bringing next 14 to azure.

joshke commented 3 weeks ago

+1 we tried to host our nextjs 14 on azure instead of vercel, but streaming and suspense is not working ..

Hatzilu commented 5 days ago


same thing here. Suspense works great in my local environment, but it breaks when i deploy it to Azure SWA