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Azure Functions that ship with Static Web Apps cannot be configured to access Key Vault #1474

Open johnnyreilly opened 1 month ago

johnnyreilly commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Opening for visibility as #1091 was closed without explanation and the feature is still not available.

Having failed to use Key Vault references with the Azure Function that ships with Azure Static Web Apps, I tried to access the Key Vault directly and could not.

See #1090

To Reproduce

Use the same config as described in #1090, but this time pass through what's necessary to access a Key Vault; ClientId / TenantId / Client Secret:

module staticWebApp 'static-sites.bicep' = {
  name: '${deploymentPrefix}-how-you-doin-${branchHash}'
  params: {
    appSettings: {
      AAD_CLIENT_ID: aadClientIdRef
      AAD_CLIENT_SECRET: aadClientSecretRef
    functionAppAppSettings: {

      // These are the settings that are used to access the key vault
      AZURE_TENANT_ID: aadTenantId
      AZURE_CLIENT_ID: aadClientId
      AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: aadClientSecret

      keyVaultName: keyVaultName
    location: location
    repositoryBranch: repositoryBranch
    repositoryUrl: repositoryUrl
    staticSiteName: staticSiteName
    tags: tagsWithHiddenLinks
    customDomainName: (repositoryBranch == 'main') ? customDomainName : ''

Create an Azure Function which does something like this:

export async function getFromKeyVault(
    secretNames: string[],
    log: Logger
): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
    const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
    const secrets = new Map<string, string>();

    const url = `https://${getConfig().keyVaultName}`;

    const client = new SecretClient(url, credential);

    for (const secretName of secretNames) {
        // Read the secret we created
        const secret = await client.getSecret(secretName);
        log("secret: ", secret);
        secrets.set(secretName, secret.value);

    return secrets;

const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = async function (
    context: Context,
    req: HttpRequest
): Promise<void> {
    try {
            const secrets = await getFromKeyVault(
            context.log("secrets", secrets);
    } catch (error) {
        context.log("unexpected error", error, req);
        context.res = {
            status: 500,
            body: "There was an error",

It will error out like this at runtime:

problem reading from keyvault RestError: Caller is not authorized to perform action on resource.
If role assignments, deny assignments or role definitions were changed recently, please observe propagation time.
Caller: appid=586bc697-2c6b-40f3-b91d-2ee65e5d4c7a;oid=92521cf5-b763-4b0e-ac50-1060dca0095d;iss=
Action: 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/getSecret/action'
Resource: '/subscriptions/5b380244-4d89-4218-a9ad-e6295602f103/resourcegroups/rg-azure-engineering-metrics-dev-001/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/kv-kv-2mb9k5bwz8-dev/secrets/telemetrydbkey'
Assignment: (not found)
Vault: kv-kv-2mb9k5bwz8-dev;location=westeurope

There appears to be no way to provide this RBAC access to the built in function. The same RBAC access has been supplied to the SWA:

// Allow the static web app to read from the Key Vault
// Allow the service connection and admin group to create secrets
module keyVaultRoles '' = {
  name: '${deploymentPrefix}-roles-${branchHash}'
  params: {
    keyVaultName: keyVault.outputs.keyVaultName
    roleAssignments: [
        roleDefinitionId: keyVaultSecretsOfficerRole
        principalId: serviceConnectionPrincipalId
        principalType: 'ServicePrincipal'
        roleDefinitionId: keyVaultSecretsUserRole
        principalId: staticWebApp.outputs.staticWebAppSystemAssignedIdentityId // ACCESS PROVIDED HERE
        principalType: 'ServicePrincipal'

Expected behavior

The values are returned from the vault.



Device info (if applicable): N/A

Additional context Happy to demo this issue to you.