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Nested GraphQL queries now fails with The given key 'xxx' was not present in the dictionary." #1498

Open MrMossevig opened 1 week ago

MrMossevig commented 1 week ago

After SWA recently updated DAB, nested GraphQL queries towards CosmosDB stopped working. All queries fail with "The given key 'xxx' was not present in the dictionary.", where 'xxx' is the nested object.

It is also still working fine using the SWA emulator locally, but fails once deployed to SWA.

To Reproduce We have a model similar to the Series schema in the GraphQL documentation:

Our model looks like this:

type InverterData {
  Name: String
  Value: String
  Unit: String

type ErrorBody {
  error_data: [InverterData]
  error_id: String
  error_number: Int
  collection_time: String
  stamp_time: String

type InformationBody {
  collection_data: [InverterData]
  sn: String
  stamp_time: Int
  collection_time: Int
  stamp_hash: String

type Telemetry @model {
  id: ID
  partitionKey: String
  Body: InformationBody
  _ts: Int

type Historical @model {
  id: ID
  partitionKey: String
  Body: InformationBody
  _ts: Int

type Error @model {
  id: ID
  partitionKey: String
  Body: ErrorBody
  _ts: Int

When this is deployed to a server, any requests trying to retrieve anything (even without including the "Body") fails with:

    "errors": [
            "message": "The given key 'InformationBody' was not present in the dictionary.",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 2,
                    "column": 5
            "path": [

Expected behavior Previously this worked fine and we were able to retrieve data. It is also still working fine using the SWA emulator locally.

It is however not working fine once deployed.