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static-web-apps-deploy test step in github action #229

Open dsurrao opened 3 years ago

dsurrao commented 3 years ago

To deploy an Angular app, I would like to add a step 'npm test' or 'ng test'. I tried adding this before the 'Build and Deploy' step in the workflow .yaml file, but the job takes a long time and does not seem to complete. Is there another way to do this? Thanks.

- name: Use Node.js ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}
      - name: npm install and test
        run: |
          # Build and test the project
          npm install
          npm run test --if-present
      - name: Build And Deploy
miwebst commented 3 years ago

Hey @dsurrao,

Thanks for the feedback! This is something we would like to add. For now, you can try using the app build command to both build and test your app. I think you can do something like "npm run build && npm run test --if-present"?

dsurrao commented 3 years ago

Hi @miwebst, it looks like it is still hanging on the 'npm run test' step. It'll be nice to incorporate this into the 'Build and Deploy' step here:

- name: Build And Deploy
        id: builddeploy
        uses: Azure/static-web-apps-deploy@v0.0.1-preview


Soremwar commented 3 years ago

Any news on this?

SweetpopcornSimon commented 1 year ago

Any update on this?