Azure / terraform-azure-modules

Azure verified modules for Terraform
MIT License
76 stars 28 forks source link

Rename storage account module name #47

Closed lonegunmanb closed 11 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago
[command]/usr/local/vss-agent/2.309.0/_work/_temp/e6236195-e628-47e4-adbb-51a899f0dc63/terraform-bin show -no-color tfplan

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # azapi_resource.oneespool[""] will be destroyed
  # (because key [""] is not in for_each map)
  - resource "azapi_resource" "oneespool" {
      - body                      = jsonencode(
              - properties = {
                  - agentProfile         = {
                      - type = "Stateless"
                  - images               = [
                      - {
                          - imageName            = "ghrunner"
                          - poolBufferPercentage = "100"
                          - subscriptionId       = "f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971"
                  - maxPoolSize          = 3
                  - networkProfile       = {
                      - natGatewayIpAddressCount = 1
                  - organizationProfile  = {
                      - type = "GitHub"
                      - url  = ""
                  - sku                  = {
                      - enableSpot = false
                      - name       = "Standard_D2ds_v4"
                      - tier       = "StandardSSD"
                  - vmProvider           = "Azure"
                  - vmProviderProperties = {
                      - VssAdminPermissions = "CreatorOnly"
        ) -> null
      - id                        = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner/providers/Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null
      - ignore_casing             = false -> null
      - ignore_missing_property   = true -> null
      - location                  = "eastus" -> null
      - name                      = "terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null
      - output                    = jsonencode({})
      - parent_id                 = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner" -> null
      - removing_special_chars    = false -> null
      - schema_validation_enabled = false -> null
      - tags                      = {
          - "repo_url" = ""
        } -> null
      - type                      = "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools@2020-05-07" -> null

      - identity {
          - identity_ids = [
              - "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1es-runner-identity/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/runner",
            ] -> null
          - type         = "UserAssigned" -> null

      - timeouts {
          - create = "30m" -> null
          - delete = "30m" -> null
          - read   = "10m" -> null

  # azapi_resource.oneespool[""] will be created
  + resource "azapi_resource" "oneespool" {
      + body                      = jsonencode(
              + properties = {
                  + agentProfile         = {
                      + type = "Stateless"
                  + images               = [
                      + {
                          + imageName            = "ghrunner"
                          + poolBufferPercentage = "100"
                          + subscriptionId       = "f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971"
                  + maxPoolSize          = 3
                  + networkProfile       = {
                      + natGatewayIpAddressCount = 1
                  + organizationProfile  = {
                      + type = "GitHub"
                      + url  = ""
                  + sku                  = {
                      + enableSpot = false
                      + name       = "Standard_D2ds_v4"
                      + tier       = "StandardSSD"
                  + vmProvider           = "Azure"
                  + vmProviderProperties = {
                      + VssAdminPermissions = "CreatorOnly"
      + id                        = (known after apply)
      + ignore_casing             = false
      + ignore_missing_property   = true
      + location                  = "eastus"
      + name                      = "terraform-azure-storage-account"
      + output                    = (known after apply)
      + parent_id                 = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner"
      + removing_special_chars    = false
      + schema_validation_enabled = false
      + tags                      = {
          + "repo_url" = ""
      + type                      = "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools@2020-05-07"

      + timeouts {
          + create = "30m"
          + delete = "30m"
          + read   = "10m"

  # azapi_update_resource.identity[""] will be destroyed
  # (because key [""] is not in for_each map)
  - resource "azapi_update_resource" "identity" {
      - body                    = jsonencode(
              - identity = {
                  - type                   = "UserAssigned"
                  - userAssignedIdentities = {
                      - "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1es-runner-identity/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/runner" = {}
        ) -> null
      - id                      = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner/providers/Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null
      - ignore_casing           = false -> null
      - ignore_missing_property = true -> null
      - name                    = "terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null
      - output                  = jsonencode({})
      - parent_id               = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner" -> null
      - resource_id             = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner/providers/Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null
      - type                    = "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools@2020-05-07" -> null

  # azapi_update_resource.identity[""] will be created
  + resource "azapi_update_resource" "identity" {
      + body                    = jsonencode(
              + identity = {
                  + type                   = "UserAssigned"
                  + userAssignedIdentities = {
                      + "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1es-runner-identity/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/runner" = {}
      + id                      = (known after apply)
      + ignore_casing           = false
      + ignore_missing_property = true
      + name                    = (known after apply)
      + output                  = (known after apply)
      + parent_id               = (known after apply)
      + resource_id             = (known after apply)
      + type                    = "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools@2020-05-07"

Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 2 to destroy.
::debug::Terraform exited with code 0.
::debug::stdout: %0ATerraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution%0Aplan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:%0A  + create%0A  - destroy%0A%0ATerraform will perform the following actions:%0A%0A  # azapi_resource.oneespool[""] will be destroyed%0A  # (because key [""] is not in for_each map)%0A  - resource "azapi_resource" "oneespool" {%0A      - body                      = jsonencode(%0A            {%0A              - properties = {%0A                  - agentProfile         = {%0A                      - type = "Stateless"%0A                    }%0A                  - images               = [%0A                      - {%0A                          - imageName            = "ghrunner"%0A                          - poolBufferPercentage = "100"%0A                          - subscriptionId       = "f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971"%0A                        },%0A                    ]%0A                  - maxPoolSize          = 3%0A                  - networkProfile       = {%0A                      - natGatewayIpAddressCount = 1%0A                    }%0A                  - organizationProfile  = {%0A                      - type = "GitHub"%0A                      - url  = ""%0A                    }%0A                  - sku                  = {%0A                      - enableSpot = false%0A                      - name       = "Standard_D2ds_v4"%0A                      - tier       = "StandardSSD"%0A                    }%0A                  - vmProvider           = "Azure"%0A                  - vmProviderProperties = {%0A                      - VssAdminPermissions = "CreatorOnly"%0A                    }%0A                }%0A            }%0A        ) -> null%0A      - id                        = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner/providers/Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null%0A      - ignore_casing             = false -> null%0A      - ignore_missing_property   = true -> null%0A      - location                  = "eastus" -> null%0A      - name                      = "terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null%0A      - output                    = jsonencode({})%0A      - parent_id                 = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner" -> null%0A      - removing_special_chars    = false -> null%0A      - schema_validation_enabled = false -> null%0A      - tags                      = {%0A          - "repo_url" = ""%0A        } -> null%0A      - type                      = "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools@2020-05-07" -> null%0A%0A      - identity {%0A          - identity_ids = [%0A              - "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1es-runner-identity/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/runner",%0A            ] -> null%0A          - type         = "UserAssigned" -> null%0A        }%0A%0A      - timeouts {%0A          - create = "30m" -> null%0A          - delete = "30m" -> null%0A          - read   = "10m" -> null%0A        }%0A    }%0A%0A  # azapi_resource.oneespool[""] will be created%0A  + resource "azapi_resource" "oneespool" {%0A      + body                      = jsonencode(%0A            {%0A              + properties = {%0A                  + agentProfile         = {%0A                      + type = "Stateless"%0A                    }%0A                  + images               = [%0A                      + {%0A                          + imageName            = "ghrunner"%0A                          + poolBufferPercentage = "100"%0A                          + subscriptionId       = "f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971"%0A                        },%0A                    ]%0A                  + maxPoolSize          = 3%0A                  + networkProfile       = {%0A                      + natGatewayIpAddressCount = 1%0A                    }%0A                  + organizationProfile  = {%0A                      + type = "GitHub"%0A                      + url  = ""%0A                    }%0A                  + sku                  = {%0A                      + enableSpot = false%0A                      + name       = "Standard_D2ds_v4"%0A                      + tier       = "StandardSSD"%0A                    }%0A                  + vmProvider           = "Azure"%0A                  + vmProviderProperties = {%0A                      + VssAdminPermissions = "CreatorOnly"%0A                    }%0A                }%0A            }%0A        )%0A      + id                        = (known after apply)%0A      + ignore_casing             = false%0A      + ignore_missing_property   = true%0A      + location                  = "eastus"%0A      + name                      = "terraform-azure-storage-account"%0A      + output                    = (known after apply)%0A      + parent_id                 = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner"%0A      + removing_special_chars    = false%0A      + schema_validation_enabled = false%0A      + tags                      = {%0A          + "repo_url" = ""%0A        }%0A      + type                      = "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools@2020-05-07"%0A%0A      + timeouts {%0A          + create = "30m"%0A          + delete = "30m"%0A          + read   = "10m"%0A        }%0A    }%0A%0A  # azapi_update_resource.identity[""] will be destroyed%0A  # (because key [""] is not in for_each map)%0A  - resource "azapi_update_resource" "identity" {%0A      - body                    = jsonencode(%0A            {%0A              - identity = {%0A                  - type                   = "UserAssigned"%0A                  - userAssignedIdentities = {%0A                      - "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1es-runner-identity/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/runner" = {}%0A                    }%0A                }%0A            }%0A        ) -> null%0A      - id                      = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner/providers/Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null%0A      - ignore_casing           = false -> null%0A      - ignore_missing_property = true -> null%0A      - name                    = "terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null%0A      - output                  = jsonencode({})%0A      - parent_id               = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner" -> null%0A      - resource_id             = "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1esrunner/providers/Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/terraform-azure-storage-account" -> null%0A      - type                    = "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools@2020-05-07" -> null%0A    }%0A%0A  # azapi_update_resource.identity[""] will be created%0A  + resource "azapi_update_resource" "identity" {%0A      + body                    = jsonencode(%0A            {%0A              + identity = {%0A                  + type                   = "UserAssigned"%0A                  + userAssignedIdentities = {%0A                      + "/subscriptions/f7a632a5-49db-4c5e-9828-cd62cb753971/resourceGroups/1es-runner-identity/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/runner" = {}%0A                    }%0A                }%0A            }%0A        )%0A      + id                      = (known after apply)%0A      + ignore_casing           = false%0A      + ignore_missing_property = true%0A      + name                    = (known after apply)%0A      + output                  = (known after apply)%0A      + parent_id               = (known after apply)%0A      + resource_id             = (known after apply)%0A      + type                    = "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools@2020-05-07"%0A    }%0A%0APlan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 2 to destroy.%0A
::debug::exitcode: 0