Azure / terraform-azurerm-avm-ptn-virtualwan

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Bug: Virtual WAN disable_vpn_encryption logic reversed #5

Closed OmnipotentOwl closed 9 months ago

OmnipotentOwl commented 11 months ago


When using the module and expressing the disable_vpn_encryption property to indicate that VPN connections should be encrypted the opposite logic is executed on the Virtual WAN.


configure disable_vpn_encryption to false and the VPN encryption is disabled while if it is configured to true to disable vpn encryption then VPN encryption is enabled.


The proposed solution below simplifies the configuration of the Virtual WAN's 'disable_vpn_encryption property and makes its usage more explicit to the user. Additionally, because this is an optional property on the azurerm_virtual_wan resource it should be set to be optional in the module with the resource's default value passed through.

variable "disable_vpn_encryption" {
  type        = bool
  description = "Boolean flag to specify whether VPN encryption is disabled"
  default     = false

resource "azurerm_virtual_wan" "virtual_wan" {
  name                              = var.virtual_wan_name
  location                          = var.location
  resource_group_name               = var.resource_group_name
  disable_vpn_encryption            = var.disable_vpn_encryption
  allow_branch_to_branch_traffic    = try(var.allow_branch_to_branch_traffic, true)
  office365_local_breakout_category = try(var.office365_local_breakout_category, "None")
  type                              = var.type
  tags                              = merge(var.tags, var.virtual_wan_tags)
khushal08 commented 9 months ago

@OmnipotentOwl Started looking into it.