Azure / terraform-azurerm-avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace

Azure Log Analytics Workspace AVM Module
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[AVM Module Issue]: Private endpoints fail due to wrong id being passed for private_connection_resource_id #54

Closed richshadman closed 3 months ago

richshadman commented 3 months ago

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The current version of the module fails when trying to create a private endpoint due to the fact that the workspace resource id is being passed for the private service connection private connection resource id, when it should be a private service link resource id.

Here is the current code in question ( in this repo): image

Here is the example code in the provider documentation showing it should be a private service link resource id: image

Here is the output when applied in it's current state (edit to hide sensitive info):


Here is a copy of my module (nothing fancy):

module "workspace" {
  source                                             = "Azure/avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace/azurerm"
  version                                            = "0.2.2"
  resource_group_name                                =
  name                                               = local.names.workspace
  location                                           = data.terraform_remote_state.environment.outputs.region
  log_analytics_workspace_sku                        = var.workspace.sku
  log_analytics_workspace_retention_in_days          = var.workspace.retention_in_days
  enable_telemetry                                   = true
  log_analytics_workspace_internet_ingestion_enabled = false
  log_analytics_workspace_internet_query_enabled     = false
  tags                                               = merge(local.analytics_tags_internal, { name = local.names.workspace })

  diagnostic_settings = {
    default = {
      name                        = "default"
      storage_account_resource_id =


  log_analytics_workspace_identity = {
    type         = "UserAssigned"
    identity_ids = []

  private_endpoints = {
    for endpoint, private_ip in local.workspace_endpoints :
    endpoint => {
      subnet_resource_id              = lookup(, "snet-monitor")
      location                        = data.terraform_remote_state.environment.outputs.region
      name                            = "pe-${endpoint}-${local.names.workspace}"
      subresource_name                = endpoint
      private_dns_zone_resource_ids   = [for zone in["snet-monitor"].private_dns_zones : lookup(, zone).id]
      private_service_connection_name = "psc-${endpoint}-${local.names.workspace}"
      network_interface_name          = "nic-pe-${endpoint}-${local.names.workspace}"
      resource_group_name             =
      tags                            = merge(local.analytics_tags_internal, { name = "pe-${endpoint}-${local.names.workspace}" })

      ip_configurations = {
        "staticIpConfig" = {
          name               = "staticIpConfig"
          private_ip_address = private_ip

  depends_on = [

And finally, here is a support request from MS on the above issue that pointed me to the root cause (using workspace resource id in place of private service link resource id):

Note that in that issue the error is identical, with the odd formatted resource id (missing the resource group name in the id).

My workaround for now is to omit the private endpoint details from the module and handle it myself, which is not ideal but is workable. If it is possible to get quick turnaround on this issue (hoping that is the case with the information above) then we would be able to implement entirely with the module before going live with this project.

Thank you!

Rich Shadman

cshea-msft commented 3 months ago

@richshadman thanks for the issue. I need to add the Azure Monitor Private Link to the module for PE to work with LAW. Will do that in the next version.

cshea-msft commented 3 months ago

@richshadman I deployed the law module with PE and Azure Monitor Private Link. I need to clean it up and change the module, but that's what the new example will look like. Will deploy out a new version in the coming week. Thanks!

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.3.0"
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = ">= 3.7.0, < 4.0.0"
    random = {
      source  = "hashicorp/random"
      version = ">= 3.5.0, < 4.0.0"

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

# This ensures we have unique CAF compliant names for our resources.
module "naming" {
  source  = "Azure/naming/azurerm"
  version = "0.3.0"

# This picks a random region from the list of regions.
resource "random_integer" "region_index" {
  max = length(local.azure_regions) - 1
  min = 0

# This is required for resource modules
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "this" {
  location = local.azure_regions[random_integer.region_index.result]
  name     = module.naming.resource_group.name_unique

resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "this" {
  address_space       = [""]
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.this.location
  name                = module.naming.virtual_network.name_unique
  resource_group_name =

resource "azurerm_subnet" "this" {
  address_prefixes     = [""]
  name                 = module.naming.subnet.name_unique
  resource_group_name  =
  virtual_network_name =

resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "this" {
  name = ""
  resource_group_name =

resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link" "name" {
  name = "dnslinktovnet"
  resource_group_name =
  virtual_network_id =
  private_dns_zone_name =

# This is the module call
module "law" {
  source = "../../"
  # source             = "Azure/avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace/azurerm"
  enable_telemetry                          = var.enable_telemetry
  location                                  = azurerm_resource_group.this.location
  resource_group_name                       =
  name                                      = "thislaworkspace"
  log_analytics_workspace_retention_in_days = 30
  log_analytics_workspace_sku               = "PerGB2018"
  log_analytics_workspace_identity = {
    type = "SystemAssigned"

resource "azurerm_monitor_private_link_scope" "this" {
  name                = "law-ampls"
  resource_group_name =

resource "azurerm_monitor_private_link_scoped_service" "this" {
  name                = "law-amplsservice"
  resource_group_name =
  scope_name          =
  linked_resource_id  =

resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "pe" {
  name = "pe"
  location = azurerm_resource_group.this.location
  resource_group_name =
  subnet_id =
  private_dns_zone_group {
    name = "law-dns-zone-group"
    private_dns_zone_ids = [ ]
  private_service_connection {
    name = "connection"
    private_connection_resource_id =
    subresource_names = [ "azuremonitor" ]
    is_manual_connection = false
richshadman commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the quick turnaround @cshea-msft ! Much appreciated.

cshea-msft commented 3 months ago

@richshadman released a new version that will fix this issue. Thank you for the problem, i appreciate the help! feel free to share any other feedback.

Gopinadh-Parsagani commented 3 weeks ago

@cshea-msft, The private endpoint configuration is still not working. not able to create a private endpoint even if we provide configuration for a private endpoint

module "avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace" { source = "Azure/avm-res-operationalinsights-workspace/azurerm" version = "0.3.5"

insert the 3 required variables here
