This Terraform module is designed to create Azure Storage Accounts and its related resources, including blob containers, queues, tables, and file shares. It also supports the creation of a storage account private endpoint which provides secure and direct connectivity to Azure Storage over a private network.
The minimum version of azapi provider is set to 0.9.0 is not compatible with current code, 0.14.0 works fine,
You need to use jsonencode() for body if working with 0.9.0 or bump the version
Steps to Reproduce
instead pf >= use = for the version of Azure/azapi
Is there an existing issue for this?
Greenfield/Brownfield provisioning
Terraform Version
Module Version
AzureRM Provider Version
Affected Resource(s)/Data Source(s)
Terraform Configuration Files
tfvars variables values
Debug Output/Panic Output
Expected Behaviour
Not see that error
Actual Behaviour
The minimum version of azapi provider is set to 0.9.0 is not compatible with current code, 0.14.0 works fine, You need to use jsonencode() for body if working with 0.9.0 or bump the version
Steps to Reproduce
instead pf >= use = for the version of Azure/azapi
Important Factoids
No response
No response