Azure / terraform-azurerm-caf-enterprise-scale

Azure landing zones Terraform module
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Ability to rename AMA management resources #1016

Open Greg-Court opened 5 days ago

Greg-Court commented 5 days ago

Similar to how we have the ability to rename the management resource group, automation account and log analytics workspace to follow a custom naming convention, these options should be provided for the new AMA user assigned managed identity, vminsights dcr, change tracking dcr and defender for sql dcr introduced in V6.0.0

Is there a workaround for this in the short run?

configure_management_resources = {
    settings = {
      ama = {
        enable_uami                                                         = true
        enable_vminsights_dcr                                               = true
        enable_change_tracking_dcr                                          = true
        enable_mdfc_defender_for_sql_dcr                                    = false
        enable_mdfc_defender_for_sql_query_collection_for_security_research = false
Greg-Court commented 5 days ago

image Perhaps something like the above, in the advanced block

matt-FFFFFF commented 5 days ago

Hi you can do this already with the custom_settings_by_resource_type

It uses the AzureRM resource names for consistency. See the pinned issue on this repo.