Azure / terraform-azurerm-caf-enterprise-scale

Azure landing zones Terraform module
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Basic SKU for public ip address is deprecated and no longer valid when trying to attach to most vpn gateway skus #920

Open valsharess opened 3 months ago

valsharess commented 3 months ago

Community Note

  1. Set vpn gateway sku to VpnGw1
  2. Deploy fails as a basic public ip cannot be used for this sku type anymore, basic public ip only works for basic vpn gateway, docs here

I've worked around it for now by using custom settings override but the defaults need to be fixed.

jtracey93 commented 3 months ago

Hey @valsharess,

Thanks for reporting.

This will need to be changed in a new major release as it will be a breaking change for those that have the basic SKU for IPs already deployed.

But we will update the ALZ TF Accelerator to have these overrides set by default out of the box which @jaredfholgate will take a look at 👍

samuelhornbyparallo commented 3 months ago

Hi, This is blocking us from deploying a new Landing Zone. Is there any update on the status of getting this resolved?

valsharess commented 3 months ago

Hi, This is blocking us from deploying a new Landing Zone. Is there any update on the status of getting this resolved?

You can override the sku with custom settings, you shouldn't be totally blocked

samuelhornbyparallo commented 3 months ago

Hi, This is blocking us from deploying a new Landing Zone. Is there any update on the status of getting this resolved?

You can override the sku with custom settings, you shouldn't be totally blocked

Thanks, It would be good to get a working example on this thread

valsharess commented 3 months ago

Hi, This is blocking us from deploying a new Landing Zone. Is there any update on the status of getting this resolved?

You can override the sku with custom settings, you shouldn't be totally blocked

Thanks, It would be good to get a working example on this thread

      custom_settings_by_resource_type = {
        azurerm_public_ip = {
          connectivity_vpn = {
            australiaeast = {
              sku = "Standard"
              allocation_method = "Static"
cbezenco commented 3 months ago

Thanks I got it working using the custom settings shared but note that I also had to change my SKU from VpnGw1 to VpnGw1AZ (I was getting another error initially after using the custom_settings_by_resource_type override)

cbezenco commented 2 months ago

FYI, the workaround does not seem to work when deploying into a non-AZ enabled region.
Here is what happen when I try to deploy on ukwest.

advanced = { custom_settings_by_resource_type = { azurerm_public_ip = { connectivity_vpn = { ukwest = { sku = "Standard" allocation_method = "Static" }, uksouth = { sku = "Standard" allocation_method = "Static" } } },

Only the first pip for vpngateway is setup with Standard. The custom settings is not applied to the second pip (pip2 below).

Seems to be potentially a bug with custom settings ? Shall I open a bug ? I understand custom_settings is not officially supported.

module.caf-enterprise-scale.azurerm_public_ip.connectivity["/subscriptions/2560ed2d-c2de-48d7-b953-cb112107a0f5/resourceGroups/dev-connectivity-ukwest/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/dev-vpngw-ukwest-pip"] will be created

ShadiAlbatal commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, This is blocking us from deploying a new Landing Zone. Is there any update on the status of getting this resolved?

You can override the sku with custom settings, you shouldn't be totally blocked

Thanks, It would be good to get a working example on this thread

      custom_settings_by_resource_type = {
        azurerm_public_ip = {
          connectivity_vpn = {
            australiaeast = {
              sku = "Standard"
              allocation_method = "Static"

Where to add this block?

cbezenco commented 3 weeks ago


ShadiAlbatal commented 3 weeks ago


yes, i finally got it working, thank. however, i am facing a problem with this

Hi, This is blocking us from deploying a new Landing Zone. Is there any update on the status of getting this resolved?

You can override the sku with custom settings, you shouldn't be totally blocked

Thanks, It would be good to get a working example on this thread

      custom_settings_by_resource_type = {
        azurerm_public_ip = {
          connectivity_vpn = {
            australiaeast = {
              sku = "Standard"
              allocation_method = "Static"

overriding by resource type is understood that you will override settings, but what is the duty of connectivity_vpn phrase? how does it translate in the settings? I am trying to override another setting outside the ip settings, but does not read. what how to write it from scrash?

ShadiAlbatal commented 3 weeks ago

overriding by resource type is understood that you will override settings, but what is the duty of connectivity_vpn phrase? how does it translate in the settings? I am trying to override another setting outside the ip settings, but does not read. what how to write it from scrash?

overriding by resource type is understood that you will override settings, but what is the duty of connectivity_vpn phrase? how does it translate in the settings? I am trying to override another setting outside the ip settings, but does not read. what how to write it from scrash?

matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

Our plans are to default to AZ SKUs in the next major version.

When we do this we will swap the IP to standard.

SvenAelterman commented 4 hours ago

@matt-FFFFFF Wasn't v6 the next major release? This is still an issue with v6.

For everyone else, the connectivity_vpn is to distinguish VPN gateways from ER gateways. Overriding ER gateway details uses connectivity_expressroute. If you're deploying your VPN GW in active/active mode (which you probably should), you'll also need to override connectivity_vpn_2 (for the azurerm_public_ip resource type).