Azure / terraform-azurerm-caf-enterprise-scale

Azure landing zones Terraform module
MIT License
785 stars 510 forks source link

feat!: ama #968

Closed matt-FFFFFF closed 2 weeks ago

matt-FFFFFF commented 4 weeks ago


This will be in the next major release, following the update of Azure Landing Zones with it's major policy refresh and move to Azure Monitoring Agent from Microsoft Monitoring Agent.

Incorporates the following changes from upstream

  1. Policy refresh H2 FY24
  2. AMA Updates

Changes from our awesome community

  1. 918 (thanks @chrsundermann!)

  2. 925 (thanks @nyanhp!)

  3. 952 (thanks @Keetika-Yogendra!)

‼️ Breaking Changes

  1. Minimum AzureRM provider version now 3.107.0
  2. Minimum AzAPI provider version now 1.13.1
  3. Minimum Terraform version now 1.7.0
  4. var.configure_management_resources schema change, removing legacy components and adding support for AMA resources


Thanks to:

Thanks to:

Testing Evidence

Please provide any testing evidence to show that your Pull Request works/fixes as described and planned (include screenshots, if appropriate).

As part of this Pull Request I have

JamesDLD commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @matt-FFFFFF thank you for this initiative! If it can help I am sharing here a code I used that can help to create the 3 Data Collection Rule:

We could have something link this in the file

resource "azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule" "management" {
  for_each                    = local.azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_management
  name                        = each.value.user_given_dcr_name
  location                    = each.value.workspace_location
  resource_group_name         = each.value.resource_group_name
  description                 = each.value.description

  dynamic "data_sources" {
    for_each = lookup(each.value, "data_sources", [])
    content {
      dynamic "data_import" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "data_import", [])
        content {
          dynamic "event_hub_data_source" {
            for_each = lookup(data_import.value, "event_hub_data_source", [])
            content {
              name           =
              stream         =
              consumer_group = lookup(event_hub_data_source.value, "consumer_group", null)
      dynamic "extension" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "extension", [])
        content {
          extension_name     = extension.value.extension_name
          name               =
          streams            = extension.value.streams                             #(Required) Specifies a list of streams that this data source will be sent to. A stream indicates what schema will be used for this data and usually what table in Log Analytics the data will be sent to. Possible values include but not limited to Microsoft-Event, Microsoft-InsightsMetrics, Microsoft-Perf, Microsoft-Syslog, Microsoft-WindowsEvent.
          extension_json     = lookup(extension.value, "extension_json", null)     #(Optional) A JSON String which specifies the extension setting.
          input_data_sources = lookup(extension.value, "input_data_sources", null) #(Optional) Specifies a list of data sources this extension needs data from. An item should be a name of a supported data source which produces only one stream. Supported data sources type: performance_counter, windows_event_log,and syslog.
      dynamic "iis_log" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "iis_log", [])
        content {
          name            =
          streams         = iis_log.value.streams
          log_directories = lookup(iis_log.value, "log_directories", null)
      dynamic "log_file" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "log_file", [])
        content {
          name          =
          streams       = log_file.value.streams
          file_patterns = log_file.value.file_patterns
          format        = log_file.value.format
          dynamic "settings" {
            for_each = lookup(log_file.value, "settings", [])
            content {
              dynamic "text" {
                for_each = lookup(settings.value, "text", [])
                content {
                  record_start_timestamp_format = text.value.record_start_timestamp_format #(Required) The timestamp format of the text log files. Possible values are ISO 8601, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, M/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM, Mon DD, YYYY HH:MM:SS, yyMMdd HH:mm:ss, ddMMyy HH:mm:ss, MMM d hh:mm:ss, dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss zzz,and yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK.
      dynamic "performance_counter" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "performance_counter", [])
        content {
          counter_specifiers            = performance_counter.value.counter_specifiers
          name                          =
          sampling_frequency_in_seconds = performance_counter.value.sampling_frequency_in_seconds
          streams                       = performance_counter.value.streams
      dynamic "platform_telemetry" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "platform_telemetry", [])
        content {
          name    =
          streams = platform_telemetry.value.streams
      dynamic "prometheus_forwarder" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "prometheus_forwarder", [])
        content {
          name    =
          streams = prometheus_forwarder.value.streams
          dynamic "label_include_filter" {
            for_each = lookup(prometheus_forwarder.value, "label_include_filter", [])
            content {
              label = label_include_filter.value.label
              value = label_include_filter.value.value
      dynamic "syslog" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "syslog", [])
        content {
          facility_names = syslog.value.facility_names
          log_levels     = syslog.value.log_levels
          name           =
          streams        = lookup(syslog.value, "streams", null)
      dynamic "windows_event_log" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "windows_event_log", [])
        content {
          name           =
          streams        = windows_event_log.value.streams
          x_path_queries = windows_event_log.value.x_path_queries
      dynamic "windows_firewall_log" {
        for_each = lookup(data_sources.value, "windows_firewall_log", [])
        content {
          name    =
          streams = windows_firewall_log.value.streams

  dynamic "destinations" {
    for_each = lookup(each.value, "destinations", [])
    content {
      dynamic "azure_monitor_metrics" {
        for_each = lookup(destinations.value, "azure_monitor_metrics", [])
        content {
          name =
      dynamic "event_hub" {
        for_each = lookup(destinations.value, "event_hub", [])
        content {
          event_hub_id = event_hub.value.event_hub_id #(Required) The resource ID of the Event Hub.
          name         =         #(Required) The name which should be used for this destination. This name should be unique across all destinations regardless of type within the Data Collection Rule.
      dynamic "event_hub_direct" {
        for_each = lookup(destinations.value, "event_hub_direct", [])
        content {
          event_hub_id = event_hub_direct.value.event_hub_id
          name         =
      dynamic "log_analytics" {
        for_each = lookup(destinations.value, "log_analytics", [])
        content {
          workspace_resource_id = log_analytics.value.workspace_resource_id
          name                  =
      dynamic "monitor_account" {
        for_each = lookup(destinations.value, "monitor_account", [])
        content {
          monitor_account_id = monitor_account.value.monitor_account_id
          name               =
      dynamic "storage_blob" {
        for_each = lookup(destinations.value, "storage_blob", [])
        content {
          container_name     = storage_blob.value.container_name
          name               =
          storage_account_id = storage_blob.value.storage_account_id
      dynamic "storage_blob_direct" {
        for_each = lookup(destinations.value, "storage_blob_direct", [])
        content {
          container_name     = storage_blob_direct.value.container_name
          name               =
          storage_account_id = storage_blob_direct.value.storage_account_id
      dynamic "storage_table_direct" {
        for_each = lookup(destinations.value, "storage_table_direct", [])
        content {
          table_name         = storage_table_direct.value.table_name
          name               =
          storage_account_id = storage_table_direct.value.storage_account_id

  dynamic "data_flow" {
    for_each = lookup(each.value, "data_flow", [])
    content {
      streams            = data_flow.value.streams                             #(Required) Specifies a list of streams. Possible values include but not limited to Microsoft-Event, Microsoft-InsightsMetrics, Microsoft-Perf, Microsoft-Syslog,and Microsoft-WindowsEvent.
      destinations       = data_flow.value.destinations                        #(Required) Specifies a list of destination names. A azure_monitor_metrics data source only allows for stream of kind Microsoft-InsightsMetrics.
      built_in_transform = lookup(data_flow.value, "built_in_transform", null) #(Optional) The built-in transform to transform stream data.
      output_stream      = lookup(data_flow.value, "output_stream", null)      #(Optional) The output stream of the transform. Only required if the data flow changes data to a different stream.
      transform_kql      = lookup(data_flow.value, "transform_kql", null)      #(Optional) The KQL query to transform stream data.

  dynamic "identity" {
    for_each = lookup(each.value, "identity", [])
    content {
      type         = lookup(identity.value, "type", null)
      identity_ids = lookup(identity.value, "identity_id_key", null) == null ? null : [[identity.value.identity_id_key].id]

  dynamic "stream_declaration" {
    for_each = lookup(each.value, "stream_declaration", [])
    content {
      stream_name = stream_declaration.value.stream_name
      dynamic "column" {
        for_each = lookup(stream_declaration.value, "column", [])
        content {
          name =
          type = column.value.type

  kind = lookup(each.value, "kind", null) #(Optional) The kind of the Data Collection Rule. Possible values are Linux, Windows,and AgentDirectToStore. A rule of kind Linux does not allow for windows_event_log data sources. And a rule of kind Windows does not allow for syslog data sources. If kind is not specified, all kinds of data sources are allowed.
  tags = lookup(each.value, "tags", null)

And something link this in the file

# The following locals are used to build the map of Data
# Collection Rules to deploy.
locals {
  management_workspace_resource_id = "/subscriptions/${var.subscription_id_management}/resourceGroups/${}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/${}"

  azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_management = {
    VmInsights = {
      user_given_dcr_name = "dcr-vminsights-001"
      workspace_location  = "francecentral"
      resource_group_name = module.enterprise_scale[0][local.management_workspace_resource_id].resource_group_name
      description         = "Data collection rule for VM Insights."
      tags                = local.archetypes.default_tags

      data_sources = [
          performance_counter = [
              streams                       = ["Microsoft-InsightsMetrics"]
              sampling_frequency_in_seconds = 60
              counter_specifiers = [
              name = "VMInsightsPerfCounters"
          extension = [
              streams        = ["Microsoft-ServiceMap"]
              extension_name = "DependencyAgent"
              name           = "DependencyAgentDataSource"

      destinations = [
          log_analytics = [
              workspace_resource_id = module.enterprise_scale[0][local.management_workspace_resource_id].id
              name                  = "VMInsightsPerf-Logs-Dest"

      data_flow = [
          streams      = ["Microsoft-InsightsMetrics"]
          destinations = ["VMInsightsPerf-Logs-Dest"]
          streams      = ["Microsoft-ServiceMap"]
          destinations = ["VMInsightsPerf-Logs-Dest"]

    ChangeTracking = {
      user_given_dcr_name = "dcr-changetracking-001"
      workspace_location  = "francecentral"
      resource_group_name = module.enterprise_scale[0][local.management_workspace_resource_id].resource_group_name
      description         = "Data collection rule for CT."
      tags                = local.archetypes.default_tags

      data_sources = [
          extension = [
              streams = [
              extension_name = "ChangeTracking-Windows"
              extension_json = jsonencode({
                enableFiles     = true,
                enableSoftware  = true,
                enableRegistry  = false,
                enableServices  = true,
                enableInventory = true,
                fileSettings = {
                  fileCollectionFrequency = 900,
                  fileInfo = [
                      name                  = "ChangeTrackingLinuxPath_default",
                      enabled               = true,
                      destinationPath       = "/etc/.*.conf",
                      useSudo               = true,
                      recurse               = true,
                      maxContentsReturnable = 5000000,
                      pathType              = "File",
                      type                  = "File",
                      links                 = "Follow",
                      maxOutputSize         = 500000,
                      groupTag              = "Recommended"
                softwareSettings = {
                  softwareCollectionFrequency = 300
                inventorySettings = {
                  inventoryCollectionFrequency = 36000
                servicesSettings = {
                  serviceCollectionFrequency = 300
              name = "CTDataSource-Windows"
              streams = [
              extension_name = "ChangeTracking-Linux"
              extension_json = jsonencode({
                enableFiles     = true,
                enableSoftware  = true,
                enableRegistry  = false,
                enableServices  = true,
                enableInventory = true,
                fileSettings = {
                  fileCollectionFrequency = 900,
                  fileInfo = [
                      name                  = "ChangeTrackingLinuxPath_default",
                      enabled               = true,
                      destinationPath       = "/etc/.*.conf",
                      useSudo               = true,
                      recurse               = true,
                      maxContentsReturnable = 5000000,
                      pathType              = "File",
                      type                  = "File",
                      links                 = "Follow",
                      maxOutputSize         = 500000,
                      groupTag              = "Recommended"
                softwareSettings = {
                  softwareCollectionFrequency = 300
                inventorySettings = {
                  inventoryCollectionFrequency = 36000
                servicesSettings = {
                  serviceCollectionFrequency = 300
              name = "CTDataSource-Linux"

      destinations = [
          log_analytics = [
              workspace_resource_id = module.enterprise_scale[0][local.management_workspace_resource_id].id
              name                  = "Microsoft-CT-Dest"

      data_flow = [
          streams = [
          destinations = ["Microsoft-CT-Dest"]

    DefenderSQL = {
      user_given_dcr_name = "dcr-defendersql-001"
      workspace_location  = "francecentral"
      resource_group_name = module.enterprise_scale[0][local.management_workspace_resource_id].resource_group_name
      description         = "Data collection rule for Defender for SQL."
      tags                = local.archetypes.default_tags

      data_sources = [
          extension = [
              streams = [
              extension_name = "MicrosoftDefenderForSQL"
              extension_json = jsonencode({
                enableCollectionOfSqlQueriesForSecurityResearch = false
              name = "MicrosoftDefenderForSQL"

      destinations = [
          log_analytics = [
              workspace_resource_id = module.enterprise_scale[0][local.management_workspace_resource_id].id
              name                  = "LogAnalyticsDest"

      data_flow = [
          streams = [
          destinations = ["LogAnalyticsDest"]
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @JamesDLD

Thank you for your thorough work here!

For the initial release we are implementing the DCRs that are identical to the one published by the product teams.

You will be able to override the policy parameters and supply your own DCRs if you wish, however the DCRs should be created outside the module.

We may incorporate your changes in a future release to add more flexibility, however I am mindful of the complexity of the input schema required for the variables.

matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

Apologies @JamesDLD I misread this - I will incorporate what you have done into this PR

Thanks again!

JamesDLD commented 3 weeks ago

Apologies @JamesDLD I misread this - I will incorporate what you have done into this PR

Thanks again!


matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run update

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run update

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run e2e

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

Looks good so far.

Need version file updating and docs for upgrade, but appreciate that will come later.

Version file is v6, were you expecting anything else?

matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago

/azp run e2e

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 3 weeks ago
│ Error: creating/updating Virtual Network Gateway (Subscription: "348b93ae-d02b-40d0-84ed-8bada25c3756"
│ Resource Group Name: "ghjowy39-connectivity-westeurope"
│ Virtual Network Gateway Name: "ghjowy39-vpngw-westeurope"): performing CreateOrUpdate: unexpected status 400 (400 Bad Request) with error: PublicIpWithBasicSkuNotAllowedOnVPNGateways: Basic IP configuration for VPN Virtual Network Gateways is not supported. Follow the link for more details : /subscriptions/348b93ae-d02b-40d0-84ed-8bada25c3756/resourceGroups/ghjowy39-connectivity-westeurope/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/ghjowy39-vpngw-westeurope
│   with module.test_connectivity.azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.connectivity["/subscriptions/348b93ae-d02b-40d0-84ed-8bada25c3756/resourceGroups/ghjowy39-connectivity-westeurope/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/ghjowy39-vpngw-westeurope"],
│   on ../../../ line 138, in resource "azurerm_virtual_network_gateway" "connectivity":
│  138: resource "azurerm_virtual_network_gateway" "connectivity" {
│ Error: creating Data Collection Rule (Subscription: "242d8ccd-abd0-4d25-8dd8-87761effaeb2"
│ Resource Group Name: "ghjowy39-mgmt"
│ Data Collection Rule Name: "ghjowy39-dcr-defendersql-prod"): unexpected status 400 (400 Bad Request) with error: InvalidPayload: Data collection rule is invalid
│   with["/subscriptions/242d8ccd-abd0-4d25-8dd8-87761effaeb2/resourceGroups/ghjowy39-mgmt/providers/Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules/ghjowy39-dcr-defendersql-prod"],
│   on ../../../ line 158, in resource "azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule" "management":
│  158: resource "azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule" "management" {
│ creating Data Collection Rule (Subscription:
│ "242d8ccd-abd0-4d25-8dd8-87761effaeb2"
│ Resource Group Name: "ghjowy39-mgmt"
│ Data Collection Rule Name: "ghjowy39-dcr-defendersql-prod"): unexpected
│ status 400 (400 Bad Request) with error: InvalidPayload: Data collection
│ rule is invalid
│ Error: A resource with the ID "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/ghjowy39-corp/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/Deploy-Private-DNS-Zones" already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for "azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment" for more information.
│   with module.test_core.azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment.enterprise_scale["/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/ghjowy39-corp/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/Deploy-Private-DNS-Zones"],
│   on ../../../ line 1, in resource "azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment" "enterprise_scale":
│    1: resource "azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment" "enterprise_scale" {
│ A resource with the ID
│ "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/ghjowy39-corp/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/Deploy-Private-DNS-Zones"
│ already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be
│ imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for
│ "azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment" for more information.

Errors to fix

matt-FFFFFF commented 2 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 2 weeks ago

I now need to update the provider minimum in the test framework

matt-FFFFFF commented 2 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 2 weeks ago

@jaredfholgate this is ready to go now I think

matt-FFFFFF commented 2 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 2 weeks ago

/azp run unit

matt-FFFFFF commented 2 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
matt-FFFFFF commented 2 weeks ago

/azp run unit

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 2 weeks ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).