Azure / terraform-azurerm-vnetpeering

Module to create and manage virtual network peering which allows resources to access other resources in the linked virtual network.
MIT License
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Failed to download module #6

Closed ahmedig closed 3 years ago

ahmedig commented 4 years ago


I tried using the module, but I got this message:

Error: Failed to download module

Could not download module "vnetpeering" ( source code from "*?archive=tar.gz": bad response code: 404.

Terraform version: 0.12.24

Thats the code that I used:

module "vnetpeering" {
  source               = "Azure/vnetpeering/azurerm"
  vnet_peering_names   = ["vnetpeering1", "vnetpeering2"]
  vnet_names           = [module.network_primary.vnet_name, module.network_secondary.vnet_name]
  resource_group_names = [,]

  tags = merge(local.common_tags, local.network_tags)
arnemorten commented 3 years ago

I'm seeing the same behavior on Terraform v0.13.0.

katomel4 commented 3 years ago

error download on terraform 0.13.0

Could not download module "vnetpeering" ( source code from "git::": error downloading '': C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\git.exe exited with 1: error: pathspec 'v1.0.0' did not match any file(s) known to git .

I will try clone it localy

thefunny1983 commented 3 years ago

Having this exact same problem from my Gitlab Runner. Is there any way to fix this, apart from a local clone?

walliski commented 3 years ago

Also seeing the same issue.

oulman commented 3 years ago

@VaijanathB I believe the problem is that you're referencing v1.0.0 in the Terraform Registry and the only tag/release that exists in Github is for v1.0.

Can you create a tag for v1.0.0 or update the registry to use v1.0 so that we can pull the module?


VaijanathB commented 3 years ago

@grayzu Can you please take a look ?

grayzu commented 3 years ago

I have updated the tag to match the module so both are v1.0.0 and just tested to ensure the module downloads correctly when referenced in a configuration so this should be good to go.